View Full Version : I have learned to be content in all things

12-16-2015, 08:40 AM
Hi ladies :)
I just wanted to share one aspect of my journey in hopes to encourage anyone else, if anyone! But I do feel like such a newbie here speaking to women who are already well seasoned in child-rearing & home-running! If nothing else, at least maybe I can meet some other ladies through this post. ;)

God Himself began this journey with my first baby. I was also babysitting a 2yr old at the time. I had this thing about housework, it has to be done! It was my priority. (Even as a child, I could not focus on doing my homework if my room was messy!) And I exhausted myself trying to do everything everyday on top of caring for the children. I would get irritable with my hubby & nephew who would come home from work & play video games, while I didn't have ANY time to myself! I thought it was all on me to have everything done, & wondered how in the world I was supposed to do it all! the reality was, nobody else had the same passion for having a clean house as I did. It was so bad, I even put it above my children. A crying baby could wait just a few minutes while I finshed those last 3 dishes! My hubby would get upset with me because he didn't think it was a big deal to let things go & just take care of the baby, & I would get upset at him for not helping me! Thank God with baby #2 he helps out more, & I also am focused on my children as priority so it balances out! But at the time, there was one night we visited a friend who happens to practice AP. We were up at 11pm with her & her husband & 1 of their 3 young children, talking. Their home was in a bit of disarray, piles of laundry on the kitchen table, dishes & groceries all on the counters, toys, & crooked pictures of childrens art on the walls- and yet, their home was so...NICE! It had such a wonderful vibe from the love of God that poured through their hearts, and peace! I always remember that as a turning point for me. I realized its not about having a perfectly kept house (I mean ESPECIALLY with toddlers & babies!!) It is just a fact, something that needs to be accepted. God, now even 2 years later is STILL speaking to me through that moment. He spoke to me very clearly one day "Your peace comes from Me. (Not having a clean house) Your peace comes from Me." I realized I was being CONTROLLED by my housework responsibilites, & it wasn't blessing my family, but hurting them! It was just like the Law in the OT- striving & striving to do it all right & still it's never enough, never attainable, exhausting myself through WORKS! This helps me so much. I have a few days that I still struggle with this, but nowhere like it used to be. Of course, I would rather have a clean home, who wouldn't? But now, like Paul, I can say I've learned to be content in all things!

Anyone else struggle in this area or overcome this area? :shrug3Would love to hear from you.

12-16-2015, 09:29 AM

12-16-2015, 12:08 PM
:heart thanks for sharing :-)

12-16-2015, 06:30 PM
I needed to read that. Thank you!

12-16-2015, 06:41 PM
Oh my goodness did I ever need to read this post tonight! I have struggled so much with my overwhelming need to have things in order and have realized that I do not have my priorities straight. My mood seems directly tied to the state of my house and that is not right. I want to thank you for posting this. It helps to know I am not the only one who struggles with this and that there is light at the end of the tunnel if I just decide to refocus on what truly is important.

12-16-2015, 06:51 PM
Aww I'm so glad this post was able to bless you! :) *hugs*