View Full Version : GBD conference...

08-17-2013, 09:08 AM
Wanted to put this here in case anyone was in the area (Nashville TN):

08-17-2013, 09:11 AM
Just a reminder that Tim Kimmel teaches "Grace-Based Parenting" which is not the same as "Grace-Based Discipline" and he does not offer the same tools. He's okay - and a great transition for people who are used to adversarial parenting, but iirc he doesn't speak out very strongly against spanking and still holds they have a place.

08-17-2013, 10:16 AM
I think that might have been more true of his older stuff, AOL. I taught the grace based parenting class (all of his materials, actually) at church for a few years and there was no mention of punitive discipline, including spanking. :heart

08-17-2013, 10:26 AM
That's great to hear! I know he read a copy of my book after his came out and I've prayed that he would move more into the positive :heart