View Full Version : How much do you worry about the bedrooms?

01-13-2013, 04:24 PM
I have the kids do a real clean about once a week. You know, dig under the beds to get everything out, etc. We just do little tidyings between.

But even the day OF the big clean, their rooms are trashed within an hour. No, it is not big dirt, because it has been vacuumed, and there is no dirty laundry in there, but the toys are thrown everywhere, and they have already shredded some kind of paper something. (Oh.my.word. I just abused the concept of a compound sentence.)

It bugs me, but I think I have kinda given up. How do you gals feel about bedrooms?

01-13-2013, 04:28 PM
Considering there are 6 of us sharing one living space, I do tend to focus more on family areas. When they lose something or I can't walk in their room then I have them clean it. Otherwise, they have to live in it, not me. My oldest three have actually gotten to the point where they keep their rooms clean with no prompting from me. I think about the millionth time they complained that they lost their ipods and saw no sympathy from me they decided to start keeping it straight in there. The youngest isn't there yet, but he's coming along.

01-13-2013, 04:48 PM
I only have one child who has only had his own room for a month, so take this with a grain of salt. ;)

We aren't really in our bedrooms that much. They are upstairs and everything else is downstairs, so really we are only up there to sleep. C doesn't have any toys in his room at all, and the toys never migrate upstairs somehow, so it doesn't really happen. I do try to straighten up the bedrooms daily just from daily stuff like clothes getting all over the floor, but I vacuum and dust up there about every other week. :shrug

01-13-2013, 07:23 PM
I don't really know anything, but I think you've got about the right balance. A regular clean-up is good, so that your son's future wife won't have to clean 20-yr-old melted candy out of his old toy box ;) and it's nice when a room isn't so bad that it can't be tidied in a vaguely reasonable amount of time. But otherwise bedrooms are fine being exactly how their inhabitants desire.

01-13-2013, 07:31 PM
Quite a bit. Bedrooms are a retreat- I and my kids use them to calm down, so they have to be clean. Multiple times daily. Nothing can be shoved under beds or in closets. My kids can have as much stuff as they can keep picked up. If the bedrooms are too messy, I take some of their stuff and put it away for awhile. I did that today, in fact, and now hey have no toys in their bedrooms. We do have a playroom they can play in (but we follow the same rules there- it has to be picked up regularly. If it gets to be too much for them to keep clean, some goes to storage)

01-16-2013, 09:08 AM
I've learned from various sources lately a helpful trick - just keep available to the what they actually need/will play with. Kids have a better time with a few select fun toys than a ton of toys strewn all over the place. My daughter (2ys old) likes to dump her toy box of little random toys everywhere and its a mess to clean up. So finally I had enough of her dumping her toys and books, I removed over half of those items and put them out of her reach. It's more for my sanity sake, but I also find that the more organized and neat the home is, the happier my children are.

hey mommy
01-16-2013, 09:14 AM
As long as i can get to the beds/dresser/closet, we're good. The rest can be as messy as they want it. Until it starts spilling into the hallway like it is now.

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01-16-2013, 09:16 AM
When it comes to under beds and such, I kinda pretend those hidden areas dont exist. :shifty