View Full Version : Someone that knows about thyroid conditions, please read...

07-21-2012, 01:52 PM
I just got the results of my bloodwork in the mail. I was almost sure that I would be labeled as having low thyroid levels, and possibly vit b and D deficient.
My vit D and B were both fine.
The only thing on my bloodwork that was off was Alkaline Phosphatase, and that was low. I can't really find anything about that.

Anyway, the thyroid stuff they tested was TSH and "T3, free"
The number for the "t3, free" was 2.8. It said that was normal. Is it?
I honestly have so many hypothyroid symptoms, I was sure that is what is wrong with me.

Since that all came back normal, where do I go from here?

07-21-2012, 09:42 PM

07-21-2012, 10:01 PM
2.8 is still on the high end of "normal" though (anything over 3 is classified as hypo). What's normal/ideal for YOUR body might be a 1.5 or something; that's what is so tricky about these numbers. You might be fine, but you also could be a little off. If you have a lot of the symptoms, there could be other things causing those as well, as thyroid kinda controls the whole body it feels like, and no matter what is wrong, most people can check off symptoms associated with thyroid dysfunction even if thyroid is fine.

Are you working with a doctor, or was this an online order test? Cuz either way, if you are not feeling optimal, that's no good, and it would be beneficial to have some help to assess what's going on.

*Edit, I might be thinking of TSH numbers. Did they give you a number for that as well? I'm not sure I know the difference or if they are both within the same measuring field. I also have no idea what the alkaline phosphatase stuff is about.

Ima LeShalosh
07-21-2012, 11:25 PM
No the Free T3 "normal range" is between 3.5-7.7

But you can't tell anything just by that number. What was your TSH coupled with your Free T3?

A person can have a normal T3, but a high TSH. You just have to have both numbers to have an accurate picture of your thyroid health.

07-22-2012, 05:14 AM
No the Free T3 "normal range" is between 3.5-7.7

But you can't tell anything just by that number. What was your TSH coupled with your Free T3?

A person can have a normal T3, but a high TSH. You just have to have both numbers to have an accurate picture of your thyroid health.

The TSH was 1.764 uIu/mL
The labpage says that "normal range" is .350-4.5.

The t3 free was 2.8 pg/mL. The labpage that I have says that the normal range is 2.3-4.2. That is very different from 3.5-7.7. What source is that from?

07-22-2012, 06:06 AM
I've found http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/ to be very helpful. :yes

Ima LeShalosh
07-22-2012, 02:23 PM
The TSH was 1.764 uIu/mL
The labpage says that "normal range" is .350-4.5.

The t3 free was 2.8 pg/mL. The labpage that I have says that the normal range is 2.3-4.2. That is very different from 3.5-7.7. What source is that from?

My Holistic Dr. that has been treating my thyroid for the last 5 years. I write everything down and had it in my journal notebook.

But a low Free T3 with a normal TSH (and your TSH is great) can be totally normal. *I* do better when I have a lower than normal T3 with a stabilized TSH. My current lab has this combo and I have never been better. So the low T3 is nothing to be concerned about.