View Full Version : Goopy eyes...

03-01-2012, 10:05 AM
but not at all pink? :scratch DD2 has had goopy eyes for about a week now, but the whites of her eyes are clear. My first thought was allergies. I've seen pink eye/conjunctivitis in DD1, so I know what it looks like. This is the same goop, but without the redness can it be conjunctivitis? I was thinking alllergies, until my two nieces that I babysit two days a week have it now too. So I suppose they may all have the same allergy, but it seems more likely that whatever it is is contagious. I just keep cleaning it, and it doesn't really seem to bother her. I still have the pink eye drops from DD1, should I try that?

03-01-2012, 10:11 AM
When my eldest gets any sort of head cold all that gunk just seeps out her eyes. I don't know what makes it that way, but it's done it since she was a baby. :shrug3 And she is especially perceptible to pink eye too.

If it were me I'd just let it run it's course. Warm towels help N, and keep her from picking at it.

03-01-2012, 10:33 AM
I wake up with eye boogies when my allergies act up. It doesn't persist during the day, so maybe it's not the same thing, but I've never needed to treat it other than cleaning it up.

03-01-2012, 01:23 PM
Yeah, that's common for the kids too, in the morning. I've never had allergies, and rarely even get sick. But they inherited a wealth of them from John and his fam. So this is all something I have had to learn about through them, because it's not something I experience. And usually I know I can call it allergies and not something contagious because their flare-ups coincide with John and his Dad's and broter's. This is all day though, and quite a bit of it. And it is a new allergy symptom, if that is what is. That's what I've been doing, just cleaning it often with a wet cloth. Just another annoyance my poor kids have to deal with I guess :-/

03-01-2012, 01:30 PM
Sam has it now, both eyes, one worse than the other. Green thick goop, but no pink. He's also coughing, runny nose, and mild fever. I don't know about the allergy thing anymore? When's the last time they were all together? Sunday?

Ugh. It always happens when I have to work. I work 20 hours a week and that's when they get sick.

03-01-2012, 01:41 PM
No, my kids weren't there Sunday, they stayed with IL's Sat night when we went to the concert, and none of them came Sunday. So :scratch And Jenna hasn't had any other symptoms, not even a runny nose ATM. Just weird.