View Full Version : need help with 2 year old during nap time at school

12-13-2011, 08:14 AM
I work at a Christian preschool part time, and am able to bring my 2 year old daughter with me, which is a huge blessing! I have a question on how to handle nap time though. For about 45 minutes the other kids, ages 3-6 are expected to lie down quietly for nap/rest time. My daughter is usually very tired at this point, but has a hard time sleeping because she wants to play and color and talk and all the other fun things we do at school. She seems to understand that she needs to be quiet, and should lie down and rest, but lately, is refusing. She will sit on her mat, and loudly say, "mama, i want crackers" or "mama, color!" over and over. the more i ask her to be quiet, the louder and more frustrated she gets. So i would take her out in the hall to try to calm her down, which now, has turned into a reward i think. She WANTS to go out into the hall. Plus, when i take her out there, I kind of don't know what to say. Ill explain she needs to be quiet because the others are sleeping. But then, what should i do? My old way was to spank my kids, and im not sure how to handle this situation more gently. thank you for any suggestions!

12-13-2011, 08:31 AM
she's at the age where many children give up naps. Where she is at this age and during nap time isn't going to change that :)

I would make another plan for her that will help her be successful with the real issue--being quiet so others can sleep.

Are there ways you could have her not in the classroom during nap time?

12-13-2011, 09:03 AM
thank you for your help! she does need to stay in the room with me though. i have allowed her to sit quietly at a table and color and look at books, but i have always kind of felt like it might seem unfair to the other kids, who are not allowed to do it. maybe i just needed some reassurance! do you think it is appropriate for her to be allowed to quietly do things during nap time,like coloring, and just explain to the others that its ok for her since she is only 2? or is that too permissive? personally i feel like the important thing is her being quiet, but im not sure the teacher i work with feels the same way!:-/