View Full Version : This is a sticky one.

11-15-2011, 08:15 PM
My older two kids had been told not to go in the rubbermaid bins of toys that are in the basement. They were full of toys from the basement that were not getting cleaned up. It was mass chaos down there so I filled up bins with things that were clutter and not favorites.
Now both bins are dumped out in a basement playroom that they already completely destroyed. :mad I seriously can't even walk down there.
If I tell them to clean up, they won't. They'll play and fight and I'll get mad. If I'm down there, they still won't and I'll get frustrated. If I do it myself, then what are they learning? I'm so sick of that mess down there. I expect some chaos, it's a playroom but this is completely out of control.
What should I do?

11-15-2011, 08:27 PM

You could just box up all the toys and remove them for a while. (Like, to a locked closet or attic or shed or something.)
You could take each one down there for set amounts of time and have them work to clean up while supervised. (I mean, leave one upstairs, occupied with something, and take *one* downstairs--eliminates the fighting between them.)

11-15-2011, 08:29 PM
Toys that don't get picked up get thrown away. :shrug

11-19-2011, 09:51 PM
At their ages? The destroyed, dumped toys would go away.

I'd *seriously* limit the available toys. I noticed, honestly, my kids played BETTER with fewer, but quality, choices.

11-20-2011, 07:43 AM
I'd box them up again and keep the boxes in my own room. Insight make them sit and watch me box.

11-20-2011, 07:58 AM
If my kids get into stuff that has been removed from them already for misuse or not picking up, and they take it out of storage, it goes- I sell it or give it away.