View Full Version : Thank you for the random quotes!

11-13-2011, 11:50 PM
The quote from Arms of Love about "all behavior has a reason behind it. When we discover the reason, we capture the heart" helped me today. (sorry if it's not an exact quote...)

Anyway, DS1 was running around being crazy and NOT listening to me. I was sure he was deliberately trying to make me crazy. But then I remembered the quote, and I asked him what he was pretending. He said "I be a racecar" and zoomed off. Suddenly, the behavior seemed charming, endearing and I was totally excited to see him using his imagination that way. And I totally captured his heart - he loves cars and trucks. :yes

DH later confirmed that yes, the behavior was absolutely necessary for a 3yo boy to be a racecar. :doh (sometimes I don't "get" boys!) As a bonus, by telling the story to DH, I was able to reinforce the principle for both of us.

Thanks for helping us be better parents! :gcm

11-14-2011, 08:49 PM
:tu I love the quotes too. :heart