View Full Version : Nutrition-- and meltdowns/angry outbursts

11-07-2011, 08:39 AM
I was listening to an free audio download from Consciously Parenting website and Pam Leo mentioned that when the amount of protein is not equal to the amount of carbs a child takes in-- it causes a surge in insulin to be released and so on-- which can lead to emotional tantrums.(my paraphrase).

We try to eat whole foods and organic.
But my kids all hate meat, and love pasta, ect.

How do I get more protein into them? Especially in the morning.

11-07-2011, 08:46 AM
I agree, protein and fats are really helpful in keeping everyone on an even keel.

Some ideas:
eggs (boiled, fried, scrambled, omletts)

nuts (whole or nut butters)

healthy fats like avacado and coconut oil

You can add protien and good fats to things like adding coconut oil, milk, toasted nuts, dried fruits to your oatmeal.

Try some new baking recipies that use more things like almond flour, coconut flour, quinoa flour to add a real boost in nutrients and protien.

Quinoa is very high in protien and can be cooked and eaten sweet like oatmeal or savory and use as you typically would for rice dishes.

cheese sticks for snacks

11-07-2011, 08:47 AM
Peanut butter, cheese, nuts, eggs, smoothies ...

My kids morning protein looks like this: apple sliced with pb and a cup of oatmeal. He dips the apple in the pb and then in the oatmeal. My daughter loves eggs. She'll eat two scrambled eggs for breakfast with a piece of fruit. My oldest is more challenging. Best solution for her has been a protein enhanced green smoothie.

11-07-2011, 08:49 AM
I make a big batch of pancakes about once a week. I put a bunch of walnuts into the food processor until it is powderyish and put those in the pancakes. Anytime I make muffins or breads, I add a lot of nuts and seeds. We do a lot of eggs for breakfast.

Will they eat sausage or other flavored meats?

11-07-2011, 11:38 AM
Have you tried cottage cheese? Read labels to find pasta that is higher in protein. My oldest goes through phases of not eating meat and it's challenging to get enough protein in him!