View Full Version : What are your GB family rules?

10-21-2011, 10:19 AM
I hope this is the right place to put this... I want to write out some family rules. Mostly pertaining to keeping things clean but other stuff too. C is 3 and a half and K just turned 1 so we don't need too many.

I was wondering what some of your house rules are??? One of my friends has a rule that says No calling names or insulting others unless it's a quote from Shakespeare. :giggle

I'm realizing that a lot of my problem keeping up with the housework is not only that I'm doing all of it but that none of us pick up after ourselves to begin with. So I'm not expecting everyone else to be responsible even for their own things. I think C is old enough that he needs to start getting in the habit of taking care of his things. I never got this as a little kid. At our house cleaning day was Saturday. I hated spending my one day off cleaning the whole day! I never learned to maintain. I want my kids to have fun on their weekends and to learn to pick up every day instead of waiting for it to be a huge mess. So I was thinking of rules like: Dirty clothes in the hamper, Load your dishes after meals, Only so many toys out at a time or just If you get it out, put it away when you're done. What do you think is reasonable to expect of a 3 year old?

(Shhh! - These rules are for Dh too. - Me too though :blush )

Do you GBD your Dh? :giggle :shifty I feel weird asking that question. I don't want to treat him like a kid. He is an adult and my equal but do you think it's fair to apply natural consequences to Dh as well as the kids. Like if his laundry is all over the floor instead of in the hamper it doesn't get washed? Or if he says I'm out of ____. Can I say sure I'll wash that if you'll put it all in the hamper for me. (Hampers are sorted by lights, darks, etc.) I can't know that he's out if the hamper is empty.

10-21-2011, 10:47 AM
our house rules..

1) Tell the truth we teach that words are powerful and we can't solve issues unless we know how the whole story.

2) respect others and their boundries wressling and play is fine but no hitting pinching grabbing biting ect (both kid and adult)

3) Obey mom and dad in a respectful and timely manner... Its fine to ask questions and wait till latter to complete a request.. ignoring arguing or refusal isn't
in return parents be patient and dont assume an explaination and time isn't warrented

4) respect property both personal and of others ask permission to touch what not yours.. In return remember that peopel are alwasy more important than things and like without EVER sharing whats special to us to others is a misserable life indeed.

5) ask permission before leaving the house

6) put away what you take out

7) always find and look for ways to be helpful and kind to others


10-21-2011, 11:15 AM
I only have one rule - "Be kind, in words and deeds." That sums it all up. ;)

We clean every day. The older 4 kids have specific chores, and Shrimp helps pick up his own toys when he cooperates. I encourage but don't force him to help.

10-21-2011, 11:40 AM
I'm kind of like Mary with one rule. Respect yourself, others and possessions. Means different things at differest ages.:shrug3

ETA: I don't think I've ever said this is our only rule or this is the rule. It just is.

10-21-2011, 11:55 AM
We had the one rule thing for a long time but it just got arguments and What if questions and my Wayy way to literal kid needed more.. So we broke up the BIG rule to include little steps the ask to g out was added after she took off too many times and jsut announced I forgot..


10-21-2011, 01:34 PM
Respect people
Respect property

I think I got this from Crystal...or bolt...or karen...I can't remember, but it was from someone here!

10-21-2011, 02:03 PM
Be helpful.. be kind- though those are broad. ;)

as far as DH..*I* personally wouldn't do something as described in your scenario..my heart would grow spiteful.I feel like doing my husbands laundry ( so that he has clean stuff to wear to work) is something I do to be his helper :)
now, having said that..i think DH can and should pick his own clothes up, and up them in the hamper..but if he doesnt, I extend grace and do it for him

10-21-2011, 07:58 PM
Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind

Love your neighbor as yourself

We believe that everything falls under these 2 rules that Jesus gave.

10-21-2011, 08:06 PM
We have young kids, but our rule is the same as Mary's. Both of us grew up in houses where there was no respect for the kids-- Or really anyone. This is a rule for all 4 of us. :yes

10-21-2011, 08:11 PM

10-21-2011, 09:04 PM
Our house rules were made specifically to combat some issues Ethan (and DH) were having.

1. Don't scream
2. Don't throw
3. Don't hit
4. Listen to Mom and Dad
5. Mind your own business

1-4 were the only ones at first. DH came up with them and made up a tune to sing them to. 5 was added shortly after. So far they cover everything they need to but I know they'll have to be changed at some point.

We made it clear from the beginning that the rules apply to us as parents too!

Something that DH brought up recently about rules... He sometimes wants Ethan to do things a certain way etc. God has been dealing with him about this issue lately. He told me that before he tells the boys to do something differently, he stops and asks himself if it's a preference or a sin. Not that a preference is a bad thing, but it's helped him be less controlling and more grace-filled:rockon

10-21-2011, 09:34 PM
We're just starting out, so these are rough, but here's what we're working with, right now.

1. We don't tell people what they are (e.g. fat, ugly, stupidhead, etc.)
2. LD needs to focus only on his own behavior and not tell others what to do (e.g. he's not supposed to tell other kids to follow the rules, etc.)
3. We only expose our private parts in the bathroom, at the doctor, and when we're changing clothes;
4. We don't kiss our school friends.
5. We do not hit, kick, or bit other people, even if they take our toys away from us.

Situation specific, but they seem to be helping for now. We'll figure out some more broad rules with time, that can cover more situations.

10-22-2011, 02:30 PM
The only rule I can think of that we have is "no hitting, we hug"

We are big on hugs around here so if someone hurts someone (physically or not) they give hugs.

Both kiddos will pick up their toys when told, we recently got rid of over half of their toys to make it easier for them (I'm ashamed that we had so many toys). Our 3 year old wipes the table after meals but that is because she enjoys helping.

Our kids are young so their job is to play. My job is to make sure they don't hurt themselves or others.

As far as my hubby, he is usually pretty good about helping as much as he can. We sit down from time to time and talk about how we feel the running of the house is going to we can figure out how best to continue on. Works pretty well for us.

10-26-2011, 11:20 AM
Enjoying this post.
