View Full Version : Slugs in my lettuce. YUCK YUCK YUCK!

07-03-2011, 11:07 AM
We just harvested some butter crunch lettuce the other day, and in the outer leaves we found some tiny little slugs. EW! They gave me the heeby jeebies. But they weren't in the inner leaves, so we were good there. I read in another thread that coffee grounds around the plant can help. Will that help get rid of the ones already on the plants too? What else can I do?

07-03-2011, 11:13 AM
We have slugs in EVERYTHING! Lots in the lettuce, TONS in the cabbage, random ones in other places you wouldn't think they could get in. That's what we get in rainy Oregon! They won't hurt you, and it's fine to eat the leaves they're in. I agree they're GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!

When I bring the lettuce in, I submerge it in a big bowl of cold water while I get other stuff ready. Most of the slugs float to the bottom or the top and are easy to whisk away.

Put out lots of beer. It actually attracts the slugs, so they will go towards it. I don't think coffee grounds would help at all with the slugs in the plant; I think the point is they just don't want to crawl on it.

07-03-2011, 11:21 AM
Put out lots of beer. It actually attracts the slugs, so they will go towards it. I don't think coffee grounds would help at all with the slugs in the plant; I think the point is they just don't want to crawl on it.

That's what I figured. I'll definitely try the beer! I don't even want to think about where else these slugs may be living.:sick

07-03-2011, 11:25 AM
I found a really good organic slug thing at home depot. It was like $3. You might try that.

07-07-2011, 08:24 AM
We are having the same issues! I went out to weed last night, and everything had slugs! I was almost in tears because they gross me out SO BADLY! I'm going to try coffee grounds!

07-07-2011, 08:40 AM
I've heard the idea of beer too..you pour it into shallow containers such as jar lids and place it near the plants.