View Full Version : Locked myself in my room

04-30-2011, 01:00 PM
Went to the park today. Ds 4.5 took his shoes off to climb up the slide. Nonother kids were around, but our 2 + 1 cousin, so mil & I let him. Dd 2 copied him & burned her feet on asphalt. He'd had his fun, but it looked like it was about to cause probs w the littler ones, so we asked him to put his shoes back on so the 2 littles wouldn't copy him; he refused.

I sat on bench with him saying, "When your shoes are back on, then you may play." He said he was hungry. Thinking this may be the real reason for his grumpy refusal, and wanting to take advantage of the rare occassion he recognized his real need, (dd was an hour overdue for nap anyway), I said to mil, "We've been here an hour now; I think we should go."

She gave them juice boxes she had at the car, and i put the trikes away. When it was time to give her his empty juice box, he threw it at her. I told him that was not nice, & said he should pick it up & give to her nicely. She kissed him & said, "I know you are my sweet boy, so I know you can pick it up." He picked it up & threw it in the grass.

So I'm like , okay, time to get in the car. They both (dd & ds) scream --SCREAM!-- at me going into carseats & all the way home. Once home, I gently get their shoes off, hands washed, cool their faces with cold washcloths, give them snacks, drinks, & their favorite shows. All while they're still screaming at me. (Going to let dd drink & eat b4 trying nap.)

Dd calms down finally, but Ds is still screaming full force at me, non stop since the park, first because I'm mean, he wasnt ready to go; now bc this is the wrong show. I told him he wouldn't get a different show by screaming. He finally asked nicely after dd was well interested in the current show, so I thanked him for a nice voice & said we could watch his show next, to be courteous to dd. He started screaming again.

I went upstairs to get way from his screaming (told him that's where/why I was going. He followed me. So now I'm in my room. Time out for Mom; last time he screamed that long, I lost my temper with him. I feel okay now, & he has finally stopped screaming.

But, as I sit here, I wonder: Have I done all I could to help him not scream when he's angry? Did I handle all of that the right way, or am I too permissive? When I screamed like that as a child, I got hit. It shut me up, but I shove bad emotions down now, so its better than that, I know! But, in trying to avoid that, am I swinging too far in the other direction? (And, btw, it is so embarrassing in front of mil! But, it didn't get me flustered like it sometimes does. So that's improvement.)

04-30-2011, 02:00 PM
Oh, man. Days like that are so tough. :hugheart Just remember, we've all been there. Good for you for keeping your cool! :rockon

I think it's ok for your son to scream when he's angry but there are appropriate places and inappropriate places. I generally ask my children to go to their bedrooms to get their big feelings out--especially when they're inclined to follow me around in the midst of their tantruming. I don't like to be held hostage and subjected to anyone's outbursts so I generally don't leave the room unless I'd intended to leave the room before the tantrum started. I'm happy to help my children calm down if they're receptive to that, but if not, it's their job to regain control over themselves.

04-30-2011, 03:49 PM
You did great. Like Ashley said, Days like that are so tough. I had one recently too. Let's hug. :hug

04-30-2011, 04:31 PM
Oh man, no naps, hungry, and thirsty. I think you had virtually all the foundations of HALT on your hands. (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.) :hugheart :phew

Considering you were working with a sub-optimum it sounds like you did really well.

Some ideas for next time:
Set your rules before you go. If shoes off is okay, then it's okay. :shrug3 If it's not okay, then enforce it from the beginning. It's less confusing.

Bring along ice cold water. Playing is hard work and if you're playing over the nap hour then it's probably hard and HOT work. Offer the ice water before introducing transitions or making requests.

Give everyone a five minute countdown for when it's time to leave. Then three minute countdown. Then leave. Every time, with consistency. This makes leaving parks so much easier and means that mommy is more likely to want to come back next time! :giggle If you can remember, remind everyone before going to play that you will be doing the countdown to leave.

Because you had hungry, angry, tired, and thirsty on your hands. I really would have just been non-reactionary about the juice box situations. There are times for teaching and times for surviving. You little guy was not operating with his higher reasoning skills. Likely any correcting you said to him sounded a lot like, "wah-wah-wah-wah."

With regards to MIL, I would have entrusted her with helping with the child who was in compliance and enforced the personal boundary that you are the parent and you will be doing the correcting.

My one other suggestion would be to not offer a show to a child who's screaming and crying. Instead, what would have happened if you set the t.v. for DD and then gathered up DS, brought him into a quite space and then rocked and sang to him?

04-30-2011, 05:02 PM
I think you did really well with your tough day, and you got through it with everybody intact. It's a victory! (I'd have probably lost it much sooner than you did.)

Of course, re-planing it in a perfect world, the suggestions are good to know... but we don't live in a perfect world, and some days stuff just hits the fan and splatters everywhere.

05-01-2011, 10:11 PM
I think you did a great job!! I sit here and think how can she do that. I need to remain that calm too. I don't know how you did it, but you did a wonderful job.


05-02-2011, 10:23 AM
[/COLOR]I think you did really well with your tough day, and you got through it with everybody intact. It's a victory! (I'd have probably lost it much sooner than you did.)

Of course, re-planing it in a perfect world, the suggestions are good to know... but we don't live in a perfect world, and some days stuff just hits the fan and splatters everywhere.

Yes! I appreciate the tips, and it was one of those situations where all the best laid plans couldn't prevent the inevitable. Little cuz was unexpctedly visiting from out of town, so I allowed a 1hr play date, limiting the time bec of the odd time of day. Little miss no-nap did well until tiredness hit her with ds's protests. His were mainly brought on from his difficulty with Grandma having more than one lil man in her presence. :yes He was fed and hydrated beforehand, so I suspect the "I'm hungry" was his cry to end the playdate early...although he didn't want it...but he did...but he didn't, kwim. :wink

Thanks for the encouragement, and for listening to my vent. He's not great at receiving comfort when mad, and my energy level wasn't up for making him stay in his room. Probably best that I escaped, for a change. It ended well, and I'm glad I didn't lose my temper. Thankful!