View Full Version : Need Help with Expanding Vegetable Palate

04-05-2011, 10:51 AM
I'm working on my menu for this week and, once again, feeling :sigh over the sides/veggies. I WANT to like more vegetables, I really, really do. I just don't like much. DH doesn't either but he'll eat most anything i put on his plate. :giggle

So...I'm hoping for ideas. Ideas of what veggies I should try (based on what I already like) and/or other ways to prepare what I do like.

Lettuce (any type)
carrots (raw only...cooked makes me :sick thinking back to the super-mushed ones we'd have at preschool)
celery (raw)
green onions
potatoes (smashed, roasted, baked)
corn (frozen or on the cob, not canned)
green beans (sometimes...I like the flavor, I hate biting into the bean part inside)
sugar snap peas (raw, sometimes)
jicama (raw, diced finely on salads)
leeks (roasted or in my potato leek soup)

DH likes most things on the list too (not celery, pickier about lettuce types, not a big green onion fan)

I've tried sweet potato fries at a restaurant and ate a couple. I tried them at home (Alexia brand) but was really turned off by ??? that time (texture, maybe, not sure). I'm going to try this recipe (http://allrecipes.com/Recipe/Cajun-Style-Baked-Sweet-Potato/Detail.aspx) this week modifying it to have some white potatoes, some sweet potatoes.

Textures ick me out sometimes and I have a huge mental hurdle to trying new foods--like I can't physically lift the food up into my mouth. I WANT to improve, though, so I've been working hard on mentally gearing myself up for it.

No allergies but I don't eat cheese (except a bit of parm) or creamy things.

I'd love to be able to enjoy green beans more often, raw tomatoes, sweet potatoes and squash (any type). I'm open to ideas on what other veggies to try, those are just the ones that come to mind.

We have at least one veggie a night, most nights two (salad + _____), I just want MORE variety.

hey mommy
04-05-2011, 11:04 AM
subbing this b/c i have the exact same issue.. with the exact same foods... except for the onions.. and i've never tried leeks.. I've recently tried brussel sprouts and asparagus. If cooked correctly, I can tolerate them in small amounts. Green beans I saute in a garlic and salt/pepper and as long as they stay crispy, i love them.

i've never tried squash. i want to. I just can't bring myself to do it.

04-05-2011, 11:08 AM
Sometimes people with food texture issues have a zinc deficiency. My DD suddenly started eating all kinds of new veggies when we started with a zinc supplement.

You may want to goggle which veggies are in season in your area and search them out, fresh seasonal veggies always taste the best.