View Full Version : Cure UTI without ABX?

09-05-2010, 09:43 PM
Is it possible? If so, how?

Chaos Coordinator
09-05-2010, 09:51 PM
i've done it before. i basically took 2 cranberry pills 2-3x daily, and drank about 2/3 of a bottle of cranberry juice (not the pure unsweetened kind though, so if you had that it would prob take less) a day for several days, and took a ton of vitamin c, and took probiotics daily too. a bit of garlic likely wouldn't hurt either. but you cant really take the probiotics at the same time as the other stuff if u decide to use probiotics (the idea behind that i think is to use the good bacteria to crowd out the bad bacteria)

---------- Post added at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:50 PM ----------

the sooner you start up after onset of symptoms the better it works.

drink tonsa water too.

09-06-2010, 05:27 AM
I have done what Jess suggested before too with success

Mother of Sons
09-06-2010, 07:38 AM
I did the above suggestions and landed in the hospital.

09-06-2010, 07:48 AM
I had symptoms so I downed as much cranberry juice and water as I could. By the time I got to the doctor my symptoms were gone and my test was normal.

So, it was never confirmed that it was a UTI but having had a bad one before that landed me in the ER, I believe it was at least the start of something and the cranberry knocked it out.

Mother of Sons
09-06-2010, 08:00 AM
Excess vitamin c will make you test negative

Cranberry etc will work best if you start it rich away. It's a better preventative than cure.

09-06-2010, 08:04 AM
Cranberry juice is not the best option for fighting a UTI. I'm the Queen of UTIs except when experiencing breastfeeding protection from them. Since I'm done having babies, my protection started to wane this summer and I've already had my first post-partum UTI. My expectation is that eventually they will return to their pre-childbearing frequency of 2-3 per year.

I always try flushing UTIs out first. However, I give myself a deadline of 48 hours. If I haven't successfully flushed it out by 48 hours, its time to reach for the abx for the health and safety of my kidneys.

First, you are both flushing out the bacteria and creating a hostile environment to preven the bacteria from growing. Probiotics will help with vaginal issues, but the bladder is supposed to be a sterile environment, so probiotics are not your primary line of defense. Additionally, everyone has heard cranberries so everything thinks cranberries. Scientific studies have found at least 3 things more powerful than cranberries to kill the bacteria in your bladder: garlic, lemons and blueberries.

So, my plan of attack for UTIs is to grab a mason jar. Brew some garlic lemonade (needs plenty of honey to make it palatable though) buy some 100% cranberry juice and blueberries. Then bottom's up. You should be downing about a mason jar an hour for an entire day, alternate water with cranberry juice and garlic lemonade and just keep drinking, drinking, drinking.

And, because I'm hardcore having had kidney infections before and never wanting to compromise my kidneys again, I add swallowing cranberry pills and garlic pills. I actually take nearly double the dosing on the bottles for 2 days while I drink myself into oblivion.

I had 2 pregnancies riddled with UTI complications. In R's pregnancy, this was the line of attack I developed for my UTIs to attempt to avoid antibiotics. I'm allergic to nearly half a dozen abx specifically because of having to use them for UTIs so frequently in my life. My immune system is falling apart at the seams most likely from a childhood battling strep and teens and onward battling UTIs and the frequency that abx were used for both. I always attempt to flush UTIs out myself first, but I spare no expense in my attempts. The last time I was unsuccessfuly was over 4 years ago when I first got pregnant with R and had to have Rocephin shots for it. Usually I can get rid of them on my own.

Oh, after I'm done flushing, I always continue garlic and cranberry pills for 2 weeks afterward to make sure I keep the environment hostile to bacateria attempting to return.

09-06-2010, 08:18 AM
I take about as much garlic and cranberry as TTL does, except I've never tried garlic lemonade (I am totally trying that next time!) It works about 50% of the time for me.

Last major UTI it did not work at all but it turned out I had colonized Group B Strep in my bladder. This was postpartum after my last baby though who was a c-section - and I was GBS positive when they tested me at 36 weeks - so I'm sure it was all connected.

09-06-2010, 08:33 AM
While I'm not prone to them, I recently had a UTI and kidney infection for about 6 weeks that two rounds of anibiotics didn't cure. What worked in the end was drinking 6-8 litres of water a day. Go to the bathroom right away when you feel the need. You want to flush the bacteria faster than it can multiply in your system. I would sometimes sweeten water with pure cranberry juice (unsweetened) and stevia, or lemon concentrate and stevia. No coffee, alcohol or soda. Had I known about garlic I might have tried the tea that TtL discribed. After 3 days of a water flush I was cured.

If you are feeling feverish or dizzy I would go to the ER. If it is mostly bladder pain I would go ahead and try the water flush.

09-06-2010, 04:57 PM
FWIW, I've gotten actual kidney infections after every birth that involved a catheter placement. They come on fast by 3 days PP and require big gun abx. And, getting IV abx in labor makes no difference in whether I get them. I've learned to not even bother to try and combat those naturally. I go straight for the Levaquin or risk hospitalization.

Galic Lemonade, I squeeze 2-3 lemons into 2qts boiled water, drop the lemons in as well, crush 2 cloves of garlic and honey until I can tolerate the taste. Steep it for 15-20 minutes then store at either room temp or the fridge, depending on my mood. You can also add crushed mint for flavor if you want.

It was my perinatalogist who instructed me to focus on lemons and not cranberries. She said the research showed that cranberries can prevent but lemons do better to eliminate an infection that has already begun.

Chaos Coordinator
09-06-2010, 07:53 PM
i've found garlic to be quite useful in eliminating all sort of infections.

but like pp said, if your symptoms arent going away after doing all of these things please dont just keep trying - know when to give in and go to the doc.

i've felt like i *might* have a uti (or might just have to pee a whole ton???) for a couple days now and taking garlic and drinking 2 tons of water has made a decent difference.

09-08-2010, 07:49 PM
Ditto the above and I give 48 hours to see *significant* improvement otherwise I go to an MD.

I used to get 2-3 a year but since I've changed my diet I've only had 1 in 6 years! :ptl
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---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

Oh, and homeopathic cantharsis.
Posted via Mobile Device

09-08-2010, 08:58 PM
My midwife gave me this cure when I got one shortly after I had my daughter. She uses it for all of her pregnant mommies, and I've used it several times. It works like a charm, and relief comes in just a couple hours!

The only thing to add to it is you have to take two concentrated cranberry capsules every two hours for a full week to keep the infection away. I also took garlic, extra vitmin c and echinacea (also things my midwife told me to take) but those were just extra immune boosters to help with the infection. I've done this without taking all of that and it still works like magic!


Starting in the morning, drink:

1 teaspoon baking soda mixed into 2 cups of water

30 minutes later:

1 cup plain water

30 minutes later:

½ teaspoon baking soda mixed into 1 cup of water

30 minutes later:

1 cup plain water

30 minutes later:

½ teaspoon baking soda mixed into 1 cup of water

Drink a lot of water the rest of the day. Mix a small pinch of baking soda in each glass.

Helpful hint:

Stay near a bathroom!

09-09-2010, 04:51 PM
Apparently, posting on this thread was my jinx.

I have another UTI coming on...

Just started cranberry and garlic capsules. DH is going to buy the stuff for garlic lemonade on his way home from Cub Scouts.

Gee, guess I know what I'll be doing for the next couple of days.

09-09-2010, 10:48 PM
Posted via Mobile Device

Auroras mom
09-14-2010, 09:59 AM
I have done it, but it took some doing last time.

High strength cranberry pills, 4-6 times per day.

Garlic pills - 4 times per day

Vit. C

Drink tons of water

Eliminate all sugar and caffeine for several days.

It did not go away completely until I did the last step. :)

Tune my heart and Crystal also both had good herbal/homeopathic recommendations.

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