View Full Version : doggie anxiety?

08-24-2010, 05:44 AM
Our dog has stopped wanting to go outside. This morning I had to put him on a leash and take him out the front to get him to go potty. A couple days ago, I took him for a walk and the route we usually take passes back by our house. He FREAKED out when we got to that point, grabbed his leash and started jumping and tugging to go home. I was on the phone so I wasn't able to insist he go on with me so we sat in the yard while I finished my conv and then went in. This is all pretty new.

The anxiety seems worse with the back yard than the front yard.

We had an incident a couple weeks ago with some very low hot air balloons that really really scared him and that's when we really noticed it starting but it's gotten much worse since then. He also hasn't been walked too much because the weather here has been in the upper 90s until the last week or so and he doesn't tolerate that well.

He is overdue for a check up and we'll be doing that as soon as dh gets a paycheck but any other ideas?