View Full Version : Biting

05-24-2010, 06:57 AM
My almost 3 year old just started biting her 12month old brother. Logan bit her first, because that's what 12month old's do at this stage! Since then Lilah has bit him 3 times, and that's just from last week. I'm going to start watching a little girl in my home starting wednesday, so I'm afraid she's going to get bit too! How do I get this under control?

05-27-2010, 09:38 AM
We have had biting problems in our home too. When my DS1 or DS2 bite, I tell them, "no biting, biting hurts!" and then I remove them from the situation (usually the bath :shrug3). Also, I tell them things they can do intead of biting- use their words, bite a toy, punch a pillow, etc. It won't work immediately but over time you should have less and less biting incidents if you are consistant. :yes

05-27-2010, 09:46 AM
what were the events leading up to the biting incidents?

05-28-2010, 06:55 AM
Thanks Marrrg!
Sometimes she bites because Logan is getting into her toys. I told her that if Logan starts messing up her toys, that she needs to yell for me to come get Logan. This worked actually, I was watching the two of them, but she didn't notice me, and when she started getting frustrated with him she stopped herself and called for me. I talked it up and told her how proud I was of her and everything. Hooray! Other times she seems to bite just because she is bored, or maybe jealous. Last sunday in church I was holding Logan, Lilah was getting antsy, and was playing with his leg. I wasn't paying attention to them, but then Logan started crying. I looked down and saw Logan's leg was red and slobbery, and Lilah said that she bit him. The other time we were eating dinner, and Lilah and me were making funny faces at Logan, and she bit his arm. That time it seemed like, even though I was including her in having fun, making faces at Logan, I think she may have been jealous that he was getting some attention. Lately she has been asking me a lot to play with her, so maybe she just needs more attention from me, one on one. She hasn't bit since tuesday though, and today is friday! I'm so glad, because on tuesday I think she bit him 3 times. So this is a huge improvement.

05-28-2010, 09:00 AM
when S was in her biting phase it was similar to what you are describing. It just meant I had to give her a safe place to play sometimes where R couldn't get to her stuff. AND I had to be hyper viligant when they were together to prevent.