View Full Version : Don't want to be around my kids today.

01-26-2010, 02:05 PM
They're being awful. Evie (18 months) has been miserable and difficult for about 3 days, non-stop whinging and whining and screaming at us and pushing and dictating and just being completely obnoxious. On top of that she's sleeping really badly. Yesterday she was awake for the day at 3:45am and could not be convinced to go back to sleep. At all. Last night she woke at 2am then at 4:30am then for the day at 5:30am. I know something is wrong with her and she must feel bad, but with a completely absence of any physical symptoms whatsover, I don't know what. This is not her normal teething behaviour.

EK (5 next week) is overtired because Evie is disturbing her sleep. She's overly sensitive, dissolving into tears over nothing, and being aggressive towards Evie (for which I don't blame her - she'd try the patience of a saint at the moment).

I'm tired. I'm over it. I've had enough. I want to check out of parenting these horrible children and have a day off. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Just needed to vent.

And I've posted this in the wrong forum. It should be in Nurturing.

01-26-2010, 05:06 PM
Mum2es...sounds like a tough few days for you. Believe me I've been there too. Thinking...please just give me a bREAK!!!! Is there someone who might be able to come and give you a few hours off?? Sometimes even to have one of my girls go for a little bit makes things that much better. How about daddy? Can he give you a much needed nap time?? Pamper yourself!!! You have permission. hugs.

01-26-2010, 07:04 PM
Thank you. :hugheart EK is now at a friends place and Evie is sleeping. I'm off to sit on my deck with a tub of icecream and a book! ;)

01-26-2010, 07:17 PM
I've been known to stick crabby kids in a bubble bath. For whatever reason, water play is relaxing and just stimulating enough that they don't get bored.

I'm glad you're relaxing now; sorry it was a trying day!

01-27-2010, 11:28 AM
I'm new here but I wanted to say thatnk you for being brave enough to be honest and say what you did.

I have had so many days like this. And, the guilt that comes with it for me, is horrible. I feel like the worst mom ever and totally undeserving of the children God gave me.

It's nice to know that I'm not alone. Thank you.

01-27-2010, 11:50 AM