View Full Version : I want to make a quilt for dd's bed - any advice or links?

03-25-2009, 10:22 PM
I've never done this before. I own a nice sewing machine, which I've mostly used for basic sewing (hems and such) and now and then I make a dress for myself. I haven't even made anything for dd yet. But I would like to make a nice warm quilt for her bed for the coming winter (it's autumn here now). How do I do that? Anybody done this and want to share?

03-26-2009, 06:36 AM
I'm in the rounding up info step right now but I can share what I've found so far. I've quilted small items before (placemat shaped stuff, coasters, etc. but no full sized quilts).

I bought the book Modern Quilt Workshop simply for the Plain Spoken pattern for my boys' beds. However, it has a good bit of info for getting the whole quilt done and more importantly deviates from standard quilting practices that are just a bit too fussy IMO (and the authors agree). Aside from that there's a ton of info on the web.

Oh Fransson (blog) is doing a quilt along step by step and her stuff is gorgeous:


Not a lot of tutorials but I love the crazy mom quilts blog for inspiration:


03-26-2009, 11:00 AM
Thanks! :)