View Full Version : Playful Parenting- keeping us moving

08-11-2008, 05:08 PM
Hi Ladies!

I wanted to post a big THANK YOU to the OP who suggested a month or so ago the tickle monster game as a way to keep my son walking ! It has worked wonders!!! I added to my tool box a sing-a-long song activity- "Just keep walking" to the tune of Dorie's "Just keep swimming" song in Finding Nemo. Also, Mary Chapin Carpenter sings "Come on, come on" and I adapted (of course) the words for me to sing when I was getting frustrated with him- Come on, come on, we're going to be late, come on come on, let's go get some lunch. LOL It is mostly to calm me down and put me back into playful mode when I start to get impatient with DS (2y8mo). We walk a lot around town to do errands, so I need lots of ideas to keep it fresh. Any other ladies out there with good ideas to share?

Love from Japan,

08-12-2008, 05:33 AM
Those are fantastic ideas! :yes (says the mom of a 2Y8month old!) :heart

08-12-2008, 12:37 PM
There's always a "copy my steps" if you're willing to be a little silly out in public (I am at my age/stage now, whereas I wouldn't have been before :D )

Therefore, if you are willing, you could do:
take little steps - and ask your dc if they can copy you; then take sort-of big steps and ask dc if they can cop you.....etc, etc.
