View Full Version : our garden & wild fruit extravaganza!

07-09-2008, 08:05 AM
Our garden has predominantly produced grass :doh call it poor planning and last minute planting. So far, we've gotten a few summer squash, zucchini, radishes (too many for my taste), a few onions and the tomatos/peppers are beginning to fruit now. Fortunately we don't have to rely on our garden for food... we'd be in an aweful predicament. We have enjoyed picking wild blueberries, huckleberries and blackberries this past week.

07-09-2008, 09:21 AM
Our garden produces grass, too, even with good planning and lots of attention (we do rely on ours), so don't feel too bad! If you're getting produce, you're still doing well. :) Wild berries are delicious. Jealous here! I've only picked wild blackberries on the west coast; we don't have them here. Our predominant wild berry is the saskatoon berry, which is quite like a blueberry, but with stronger flavour in a smaller fruit. (Cultivated saskatoons are larger and a little more like blueberries). We don't have any on our property, but in good years I can convince my MIL to let us pick in their pastures (she's stingy in bad years, lol).

07-09-2008, 10:10 AM
That is cool that you have gotten a few things!

I love to go picking blackberries, there are so many around country lanes near me. They aren't ready yet though, probably August or september over here.