View Full Version : watermelon is going to overtake my garden...what to do?

06-13-2008, 10:46 PM
It is my first year gardening and I did the best Ithought I could w/ spacing but I was WRONG. The watermelon is overtaking everything...I've thinned them to 2-3 plants per hill...but they are ALL huge now.

I am worried they are going to ruin other things growing in the garden. Is is possible to gently pull some of them and re-plant somewhere else?? I am going to have a TON of watermelon

06-13-2008, 11:02 PM
I would put one per hill. I don't know if you can transplant it, they have pretty shallow roots. :think I had it one year and it took over my whole garden and I only got *two* fruit from it...one we harvested too early and it was green and so we waited too long on the other and were too late, so the whole thing was a total bust! Gah! I loooove the taste of watermelon, too.

06-14-2008, 07:41 AM
Ok, I'll thin to one per hill and try to transplant the others just to see if it works. We have what looks like hundreded of watermelons, some are already the size of my fist.