View Full Version : Info on crop rotation

04-24-2008, 08:53 AM
Planning ahead here a bit. I'm trying to garden as organically as possible (its kind of hard being as how my apartment building sprays for pests every 2 weeks, they've stayed away from my garden so far, but i'm not sure how much that would help) and am wondering about rotating crops.

I've planted some companion plants (http://www.seedsofchange.com/enewsletter/issue_55/companion_planting.asp) with my tomatoes (marigolds, basil, carrots) but am thinking about planting something else there next year, to keep them disease free.

I've googled but all i've found were articles saying that i should rotate my crops, but not about how.

you have any info for me?

04-24-2008, 09:22 AM
OK so i found this: http://goatstownallotment.com/croprotationplan.aspx which is helpful, but i was hoping for something a little more specific...

04-24-2008, 10:26 AM
You might check at organicgardening.com I don't know all the details, but what I do is avoid plants "families" of plants in the same place the next year (or I might be two in a row but then rotate). So broc/cabbage/cauliflower (cruciferous)., legumes/peas/beans, potatoes/tomatoes/eggplants (nightshades), squash, etc.

Hermana Linda
04-24-2008, 10:23 PM
Yeah, I read to change them (the families of which you speak) every year.