View Full Version : Need some dairy-free info

03-24-2008, 10:17 PM
Please help me here. I don't have the most supportive extended family when it comes to my vegetarianism, in fact I would almost call my dad "hostile" about it. They are never going to get it from an ethical stand point. But, today my mom and I were talking about it and she was saying she gets the health benefits of giving up meat, especially red meat, but why not drink milk? Anyone know where I can get some good info about the health benefits of being dairy-free / hazards of consuming dairy? Thanks!

03-25-2008, 11:29 AM
I tell my "well meaning family" that cows milk is made for baby cows and we don't actually "need" it. I can get protein and calcium elsewhere.... Of course, this isn't necessarily going over very well! :shifty

03-25-2008, 11:33 AM
Humans are the only mammels that consume another mammel's milk passed the age of weaning.

Its very high in protein (read The China Study for further info on too much protein)

High in sodium (I think)

I also believe that the calcium is less easily absorbed than from plant sources.

I'm not anti milk ;) But I also know that I lived without it just fine for a year and my 2 year old has lived just find without it for his whole life.