View Full Version : Caught-up is never

03-15-2008, 08:15 AM
So, why does it take so long to get caught up with stuff, to declutter, to do the 5 things that need to get done before you can actually start what you really WANT to start? And, then, when the dishes are done, the floor is swept, the laundry is folded, things are looking good, oops! It's time to cook dinner, dole out snack, pick up after the kids mud that just got tracked into the house. ARGH! :hissyfit

I think I need to accept that I'll NEVER be caught up, not really and that really frustrates me right now! :mad

Just needed to vent :sigh

Okay, off to hopefully make some progress...

03-15-2008, 08:31 AM

i know... housework is perpetual. sometimes i think you just have to do the things you want to do and do housework later - 'cause it will always be there. this is hard for me, though, believe me! the more oranized and the less stuff i have, the easier it gets... and also having older kids that can help. :yes yours are still little...

i've tried explaining to dh how frustrating it is - at his work, he does a project and it's DONE - but here at home, there will ALWAYS be another dish to wash or thing to put away... it never ends. i have to remind myself, though, that someday the kids will be grown and it won't be so have to stay on top of things. of course, by then i will probably be wistful for their childhood and the messes that come with it...


03-15-2008, 10:45 AM
Yeah...I'm trying really hard to get organized to a greater degree so that it's easier. Trying hard to declutter and get rid of unnecessary stuff, but even that seems unending! Where did all of this stuff come from? :shrug It's hard with the little ones under my feet and I don't want to ignore them or their needs just to feel like I'm on top of it, you know?

A little bit each day, I guess....

03-15-2008, 11:35 AM
:hug2 It's relentless, isn't it? I drives me batty too. It's so hard to accomplish anything--to get ahead. Let's face it--we're basically moving stuff around from one place to another. Like this:we buy the groceries from the store, we bring them home, we place them in the /pantry, we pull them out for meal preparation, we place the packaging/peelings in the garbage/compost bin/recycle container, we bring it outside, we haul the containers to the curb, etc. etc. That's just one example! Our whole lives are like this. :crazy My life feels pretty disorganized. We are trying to simplify/reduce our life, but it's not that simple and takes time. Oh the insanity of it all...
