View Full Version : dealing with mornings

03-05-2008, 06:34 AM
Lately both of my dc have been waking up earlier and around the same time, so I am dealing with them fighting and getting kind of loud. I *can* do mornings, but I don't like to. (I've been getting ds1's lunch done in advance and having things pretty much ready to go for breakfast and clothes ready, etc.) For my sanity and to keep myself from losing my temper with ds2, I've been taking ds1 out to the bus stop earlier than I need to. The cool air helps to clear my head, I feel refreshed, and I return to the house in a better mood. The problem I have now is that ds1 will take off running and won't just stand next to me and hold my hand at the bus stop. He won't stay on the sidewalk, he wants to run in the messy dirt. He'll take off running back to our apartment. He'll take off running to see his friend when he leaves with his mommy. How do I keep ds1 from running off? The time outside is good for my sanity, but there is a new stressor, his running away.

03-05-2008, 06:44 AM
Can he run in a safe way? Is there enough space that he can go without it being too big of a deal?

I would try to limit the running to a safe spot, or use a harness if that's impossible. :)

03-05-2008, 06:48 AM
There's a huge space where he can safely run, it's just that it's all muddy. I guess my concern is with his clothes getting muddy before school even starts.

03-05-2008, 06:51 AM
Can he wear boots you could take off once the bus comes? :think

03-05-2008, 07:48 AM
We play sidewalk games. I have to keep all three of mine entertained and out of the yards that are right there. We see who can jump the farthest, who can jump back and forth over the crack in the sidewalk 10 times first, who can walk backwards for three spaces, who can walk on the line for the longest, I spy, counting. I'm sure there are more. I also allow the kids each one toy that they can take to the stop. Of course I end up carrying them home but if we play cars for 5 minutes instead of swinging around the street sign and seeing who can get their toes closest to the street without mommy yelling it is worth it. Important part in that is according to the kids I have to play.