View Full Version : Help me with grocery shopping **UPDATE AT THE END**

11-27-2007, 10:00 PM
DH left a few days ago for his temporary training to get ready for a deployment after the first of the year. I haven't ever gone shopping on my own with both children. I ventured out with the two LOs today to exchange one of DS's b-day gifts and it was a complete disaster. DD was fussing because she was sleepy so I had her in my pouch. DS did well for a little while in the cart but then started standing up in it repeatedly and trying to jump out into my arms. I was getting so mad at him and the buckle on the lap belt in the cart was broken so I couldn't buckle him into the cart. I was beyond frustrated when we left.

This got me thinking: how am I going to buy groceries? A friend said to take someone with me or get a babysitter, neither are really reliable options right now. In the past we've been on post where the grocery store had those great carts with a kid's spaceship or car in the front for toddlers and you could still put the baby in the top. They just don't have those things around here. So how do you shop with two LOs? Any advice would be great!!!!

11-27-2007, 11:19 PM
Pray, pray a lot!! ;) I do most of the shopping alone with my 2 kids 2 and 3. It is is usually a diasaster as well. There are a few things that are helpful for me.

1. buy a cheap harness/leash I have an elmo one that has a clip in the back I clip it to the seat so houdinini cant stand up, because it never fails I alway get a cart with no seat belt, and she wriggles out of it anyway. She can also sit in the bottom of the basket because again, I can clip the buckle to the cart so she cant stand up.

2. food. bring more food then you little one could possibly eat. I know it is bribery but it works and it keeps me from buying a bunch of junk in the store just to keep them happy. I make " candy necklaces " out of cereal and they LOVE those , and make sure youve got lots of wipes.

3. map out the store. No kidding I took notes the first time I went into the grocery store of what eisles have what. Not extensive but basically I start in the back Dairy, can goods, pre-packaged, meat. Just take down a few easy categories and make note. I then made a spreadsheet on my computer to make my grocery lists onto . That way my grocery list is in sections and I dont have to back track(much) Of course you could just hand write an empty list and make copies. I keep a copy next to my fridge so I can do it as I go

I try to be as organized as possible it makes a huge differnce If I try to make an quick trip without being fully prepared it is a total nightmare, unhappy kids, and I awasy leave without half the items I need and have to go back anyway. I have a friend who has her neighbors 12 yo daughter help her with her shopping. She pays her a small wage to tag along and just entertain the kids while she shops. Her 3 kids love having their friend around and are much more patient. Good luck and God bless, it gets easier ;) :hug2

11-27-2007, 11:54 PM
Do they have those baby capsule grocery carts?

I have ds (2 years) on my back in the Ergo, and bubba (7 months) in the baby capsule grocery cart. Ds stays pretty much content, and he's contained. I have to know pretty much exactly what I want and keep moving....

11-28-2007, 12:35 AM
It's rough :hugheart

Make a list according to aisles and stick to it.

Have toddlers restrained in some way at all costs. For me this means the 2 y.o. in the Ergo on my back and the 4 y.o. in the cart.

Go at a time when it is not busy at the grocery store and the kids are not sleepy. For us, this is around 10:00 am on a weekday. Bonus is that we can grab some quick lunch afterwards, unpack groceries and head straight into naptime.

If all else fails, open a box of animal crackers and bribe them.

11-28-2007, 12:48 AM
I have so been there.

This is what worked for me. My boys are 3 and almost 1 now and I have had to shop with both for almost a year.

I was lucky in that the oldest does go to preschool each week. But when I had to take both with me I usually took my double stroller. This meant not getting very much at a time but it was worth it.

I also would put the baby in a sling and my older DS in the cart. But that was sometimes hard because DS#1 didn't want to be there.

So usually it was the double stroller and many trips a week.

(((HUGS))) going to stores is so hard with little ones when your husband is deployed.

12-01-2007, 10:54 AM
I ditto the sling, snacks, and a well organized list! The more organized your list is by isle and if necessary by brand, the easier it is to pinpoint what you are getting. I also draw an astrik next to everything I'm using a coupon on so I don't have to dig through to remind myself if I have to buy something a certain amount or not. And if the kids all melt down and you feel like you're melting down too, just check out with what you already have and finish later!

12-03-2007, 09:25 PM
I braved the store alone today with both LOs. I emerged 3 1/2 hours later with two children who were sound asleep and I was exhausted! :phew I put the baby in the single stroller and the toddler in the cart and pushed/pulled my way through the store. It was very slow going and about 1/3 of the way through the baby woke up and wanted to nurse so we had to stop and go sit to do that (I was shopping in Wal-Mart and they were nice about letting me sit in a dressing room :) ). Very shortly into the experience I realized that I can't do this on a regular basis and started getting enough stuff to last for about a month so I'll only have to go back for things like soymilk and fresh produce which will be easier. DS started misbehaving right at the end, but it was because he was tired. He was trying to grab stuff out of the cart and throw it or stick it in his mouth. I started by giving him a piece of paper and pen to draw with, works well at home but in the store he just dropped the paper and drew all over his hands (oops!). Finally I took the baby out of the stroller to put DS in it and put the baby in the cart and we finished like that. Worked great because they both fell alseep. DS even stayed asleep on the trip home and when I put him in his crib after we got here! I was exhausted but didn't get to nap because I had tons of groceries to put away! It was kinda' funny watching other people watch me, I can't count the number of complete strangers who said to me, "looks like you've got your hands full". Ya think?! ;)

ETA: I will be looking for a mother's helper after this to go shopping with me or will do my shopping on the weekends when I can have my sister or in-laws look after the LOs for a while.

Mama Bird
01-04-2008, 06:58 AM
Ooh...I get to do this today, for the first time on my own...with all three kiddos ranging in age from 9 to 2 months. :hunh Household AND grocery. Yip...I'm a doofus for even trying. Here's my secret.

I have a backpack for my older son, who is 5. In said backpack are things like sticker books, small toys (like brain bender toys...get the rings on the octopus' legs, etc.) little books, etc, that ONLY come out at the store or at the doctor's office, etc. That way, it's fun. I also allow each child to pick one box of "junky" cereal. One box in each 2 week time frame isn't going to hurt them, and there are limits on what they can pick. They get to choose that box if they behave themselves. (They love that stuff so much they've never not earned it. :P~ ) We play a lot...A LOT of "I Spy." I'll say, "I spy, with my Mommy-sized eye, something that is orange." They guess, then take the turn. With my older two, it's "something that starts with p..." or whatever. Also, the big kids like to help. I'll take turns asking them to take an item from the shelf and put it in the cart. "L, would you please get me a can of baking powder?" "J, please put a bag of marshmallows in the cart." It keeps them on their toes, b/c they know if they don't listen and hear their instructions, the other kiddo gets that turn. Oh, and snacks are always an awesome idea. Don't forget sippy cups too, and know where water fountains are for refills. :giggle

Now we'll see how my grand plans work out today...