View Full Version : Is it normal to act better for other people?

10-31-2007, 11:09 AM
Ellie acts so much better and calmer when she's around someone other than me. Example: Yesterday we were home most of the day by ourselves. If I do anything other than pay 100% attention to her, she freaks out. I take yogurt out of the fridge for her for breakfast, clings to my leg, whines and fusses, while I put some yogurt in a bowl for her. The rest of the day, we play, and she nurses 82 times. Seriously, she nurses 75% of the time we're alone. If I have to use the bathroom, she throws a fit and follows me in there. Today, my mom is here. My mom cooked her breakfast, and Ellie was calm and happy the entire time. She ate without throwing anything on the floor. She's nursed once since she's been here. She's calm, playing happily, and just in a good mood.

She's better for my hubby too when they're by themselves. The moment I show up, she turns into her cranky self. Hubby notices too. What's up with that? :hunh It's like I bring out the worst in her or something. I wonder why I stay at home with her if she'd rather hang out with other people. :( We go places and go on playdates all the time, so it's not like we're stuck at home all day, every day.

10-31-2007, 12:04 PM

Didn't want to read without responding.

It probably is. It's like they are free to let out any big feelings / frustrations they're experiencing with you - because they feel the most comfortable around you / can trust you the very most (not that they can't trust others). This is just what I think it could be, not that I really know.


10-31-2007, 12:11 PM

I saw this a lot when I was a preschool teacher. The parents were constantly joking with me about coming to their house so their child would come when called, clean-up, eat veggies, etc. I would joke back that the only reason that the children were good for me is that they weren't completely sure that I wouldn't abandon them if they misbehaved. They knew that no matter what they did or how much they "acted out" that Mommy would keep them. It's kinda the same trust thing that the pp mentioned.

:hugheart Sorry you're having a tough time this week. :heart

10-31-2007, 12:12 PM
Yep, it's normal. Children tend to act the worst around the people they trust the most. They know you will love them no matter what, so they let their big feelings out to you, knowing that you are able to handle them.

Even adults do the same - how many times have I acted totally composed in public and then let off on a ranty hormonal weepy rampage about something the minute dh and I are alone? :O