View Full Version : Dh's harmful words, 4 yr old's scary emotions (and mine too)

09-21-2007, 08:58 PM
I felt like things were going so much better for me the last couple of days with discipline. But now I am discouraged again and scared.  Long story short, at bedtime tonight my dh came in to say goodnight to the boys and he sat down on the bed while I was going to pray with them.  Ds 8 and ds 4 were both acting crazy together which is the norm and is irritating for both dh and myself.  I told them to settle down, but they didn't listen.  Then ds 4 banged dh in the head - it was an accident, but due, of course, to his inappropriate behavior (trying to lick his brother or something). So dh said sternly "That's it, I'm going to spank you if you don't sit still now".  I did not say anything, just ignored dh's outburst and restated that they must calm down, be still, whatever I said to begin with.  The kids are used to this kind of talk from both of us, although I stopped spanking and threatening to spank about 3-4 wks ago, but never told the kids this was my intention.  So everyone was quiet and still and we could have our prayer time which then seemed just pious and remote-controlled to me.  Dh said goodnight and when he left my ds4 who had been threatened with the spanking said "mommy I want to kill myself"

It was like having the wind knocked out of me.  I know that he probably has no true comprehension of what that means in it's entirety, but it is just so disturbing to me that it came out of his little mouth.  He is generally a pretty happy kid, but in the last few months has begun saying things like "I hate myself because I do bad things" and "dad/mom I don't like you because you yell at me" and now this.
I told ds 4 that I did not ever want him to feel like that and that he does not need to dislike himself because he does something wrong, we all do things wrong and God forgives us and loves us and that mommy and daddy love him even when he does things wrong.  I am just so scared that someone that small could say something like that.  I was suicidal/self harming for much of my life and I cannot live with it being passed on to my children.  I just pray that that will be the last time he thinks or says anything like that.  And it makes me so much more convicted and convinced that gbd is the way for us.  I just don't know how long it will take dh to care and to catch on.  I did not tell him yet what ds4 said. I can't talk to him right now, I am too angry with his lack of interest/desire to learn about what is best for our kids. I would not be as angry if I felt like he cared to educate himself about what is best for the kids, but he would rather watch videos on the computer or learn about how to herd sheep :mad.  And further more I am angry because when I asked ds4 where he ever even heard of killing yourself he said that dad told him about his friend who killed himself with a gun.  Why the heck does my 4 yr old have to know about things like that?
So I guess what I want to know is what to say to my dh to help him understand that his words are harmful?  And those of you who have similar situations with hubby, how do you handle it? 

09-21-2007, 09:06 PM
I would be very upset to hear that, too. And, I completely agree, that GBD is very, very important for children but especially for children who are extra sensitive. My DH was/is like that. His parents' punitive parenting really hurt him more than his siblings. :bheart

Keep praying for you husband.

Is there an older man at your church that would talk to him? Not about discipline, necessarily, but about being more available to you and the kids and spending less time on the computer?

09-21-2007, 09:41 PM
Unfortunately, no. Dh is not super connected to our church. He went on a missions trip once and know some guys from that, but he is not emotionally connected with any of them. He really does not have any true friends in my opinion. And honestly he doesn't have a lot of time for friends either. He works at a job he absolutely hate 40-45 hrs a week, spends time with us and is a graduate student. I am praying that he will wake up to the reality of what his words/actions do the kids...

09-21-2007, 09:45 PM
I sent you a PM. Did you get it?

09-21-2007, 09:47 PM
Wow, he sounds like he's got a very full plate. Mine used to be that full and I was so tightly wound you could pluck me like a guitar. Not good.

Would he read a book? Bill Sears wrote an excellent and very humble book called "Becoming a Father." He goes into detail about how he put his career first for too long and how it affected his wife and children. It's not a thick book, he could read it in a weekend.

09-21-2007, 10:20 PM
I got the pm and pmed you back, I don't know how to edit....dh and I just got in a fight about the whole thing. He is a very defensive person - probably has to do with his own childhood. Would he read a book? Bill Sears wrote an excellent and very humble book called "Becoming a Father." He goes into detail about how he put his career first for too long and how it affected his wife and children.He might read a book, however the problem really is more that he needs to get out of his job asap and into something new. He by no means "puts his job first". He is just a pretty miserable guy because he has worked at a place that he hates for 11 yrs now and desperately wants a change. For the most part he is a great dad and plays with the kids a lot when he is around, it is just his judgement with his words that I sometimes question. And I hesitate to say a whole lot to him because I know that he will not listen to me unless I say it at the right time and with a loving attitude which I am not always good at.

09-21-2007, 10:44 PM
:hugheart :pray4

09-22-2007, 06:07 AM
No advice, just hugs and prayers for all fo you.

09-22-2007, 02:10 PM
Thanks for all the advice and prayer...I am feeling much better today and once dh got over his defensiveness he agreed to work on his discipline style. Sometimes things have to get stirred up and turned upside down around here for us to wake up to what needs to be done. O-man is often attention-seeking and tries to be shocking, so even though what he said was very disturbing, I think he knows that he has gotten our attention in the past by saying things like "I don't like/hate myself" and since he was hurt and upset he came up with this new one :cry
I am praying that this will be the end of the negative discipline and the birth of a new more positive, gracious home. :yes