View Full Version : Home-Preschool together with C. Help!!!!!!

09-10-2007, 07:43 AM
Hi, I am trained as a Childcare worker/Educator and working with Children over 7 years. This is my first time (3.week) that I started a Home based Preschool. My own (J. 1 year,she is ok so far and C. 3,4years). C. he is getting more difficult every day. I know it is difficult for your own child to share house, toys and mainly mum with other kids. He is actually a good child but he started to scream and to hit me when I try to talk to him that he has to ask the other child when he wants to sit on a particular chair or he should use his words when someone takes his toy and don't push or hit others. Last week i send him upstairs in his room and he was calm when i came back.
Please, is there something what i can do? Of course I never had such battles with any other child in the past. I don't have anyone who could assist me during work, that would help a lot. When I try to play with him, he doesn't want and when I say anything about a sticker, he, shouts at me that he doesn't want one.

What are your experience in this matter?

09-10-2007, 08:34 AM
When I had a home daycare, I set up the dining room to use as the main room. I had shelves of "daycare" toys that were not my children's everyday toys. I had tablecloths to cover the shelves when the kids went home, so it didn't always look like I ran a daycare at home. We took naps in the living room, and I kept the nap mats and blankets in a hope chest in there. Daycare kids weren't allowed in bedrooms - or down the hallway toward the bedrooms. It was easier to keep them all in the same area and my children preserved their sense of space =D

09-14-2007, 10:45 AM
In the Little Explorers forum, there is a great thread about 3 year olds. It has some practical ideas. :yes
You talked about sending him to his room and that it helped, have you read our Comfort Corner thread? Some kids do need a break (my ds does, he just keeps getting more upset unless he has some time to step back from the situation) and a comfort corner is great for that.
I also think the things you are describing are very age-appropriate so I think if you continue to do what you've been doing (like telling him to use his words :tu ), things will start to change.
I should add that I haven't done in home daycare, but I'm looking at it as a kind of sibling rivalry.
I feel like I'm not giving much concrete advice here, just sending you to other threads :O but the ladies here have so much more wisdom than I do. :heart