View Full Version : getting ds1 to help around the house

09-06-2007, 07:13 AM
Ds2 is eager to help me with everything around the house. He picks up his toys with very little assistance, helps me to clear the table after dinner, puts clothes in the washing machine, gets his own diapers, etc. With ds1, it's a struggle just to get him to pick up his toys. He'll focus on the t.v. or something else instead. I know, just turn off the t.v. How do I get him to help around the house? It doesn't seem right that ds2 is doing all the helping...

09-06-2007, 10:03 AM
I'm shocked your two year old helps. Lucky woman. My oldest is good about picking up, but he is 5. My 3 year old on the other hand, hates it and fusses the whole time. Some of it is personality, some of it is age. My sister did the clean up song with my boys last year when I was on bedrest, and they still remember it. Maybe something like that to make it fun.

09-06-2007, 11:18 AM
I think that asking your 3 yo to do much other than clean up his toys is setting yourself up for disaster. ;) 2 yo's are naturally helpful, but it quickly fades. :giggle

That being said, Tater Tot likes to wipe down the bathroom and dust. He like pitching stuff in the recycling containers. Involving him in things that I'm doing rather than asking him to just do something helps.

09-06-2007, 11:20 AM
It could be that dd1's special needs make it more difficult for him to mimic your actions, and to iorganize his behaviors enough to follow through with tasks and so on.
Hopefully other mamas will have some useful strategies. My oldest doesn't help, or I should say didn't until fairly recently.
And it is SO tempting to compare my two girls. I find my younger to be more physically adept, and moer organized in her behavior and therefore she has lots of little "jobs" that she enjoys performing.
My oldest, as well, prefers the TV or a book or to go outside by herself or whatever.

09-06-2007, 11:21 AM
He doesn't have to like it, he just has to do it. :) Obviously it's more fun if he likes it - like your ds2 does now - but he may never like it, and that's okay.

I find when my kids are recalcitrant about cleaning, they need more direction. "Pick up those two Hot Wheels and put them in the car bin." "Put these books back on the bottom shelf." "Turn these pants right-side-out and go put them in the hamper."

And turn off the TV. ;)

09-06-2007, 11:38 AM
My friend suggested making a pictorial to do list. I'll try to find the time to do that and the supplies...That is what she did with her autistic students when she was teaching kindergarten.