View Full Version : Age Difference/Activities

08-29-2007, 06:42 AM
More specifically, books. Dd is almost 3. She LOVES looking at books and reading them. This is the age when it needs to be easy for her to get to them. I think it's important in developing a love of reading. Problem...my one year old. He has officially destroyed half a dozen books over the last few days. I can't think of one place to put them that she can reach them and he can't. I am crying over these ruined books and I am angry with him, even though he's only one, and I feel terrible that I may have to just take them all away until he's older. Don't suggest just letting her have them when he naps b/c there are too many other things I am balancing when he naps (which isn't at regular times and only once per day). Help! We have a tiny house with two bedrooms (our room is not childproof and can't be, too many things in there). A combo living/dining, a kitchen and bathroom. That's it. And it's small. I don't know what to do and it's driving me insane.

08-29-2007, 07:14 AM
We had a similar problem. Though until Ri started walking, I could put things up high but low enough for dd1.
I think I finally put library books into her room. I also boxed up several of my books, sniff, and turned teh bookcase into puzzles/board books/magna doodles/etc area and put dd1's books up on a higher shelf. She pushes a chari or stool over and can get them.
Dd2 is two, and while I still don't turn her loose with library books, for the most part, she can be trusted with a little supervision.
So the time really does go very quickly. And your oldest won't be irreparably harmed by not open access to books for a fw months or so.
Hope some of this was helpful.