View Full Version : Just plain mean to siblings.....

08-28-2007, 07:12 PM
How can I handle these constant attacks on my toddler from my 4 yr old. He clearly has issues of jealousy with him even though I try very hard to have time with all my boys and show them lots of positive attention. BUT my 4 yr old will purposefully run into, bump, knock over, hit, bang, and run over the 2 yr old. It is sad cause the 2 yr old is learning this mean behavior. I don't know how to assign positive intent at all with this one so I just get mad that he is being down right mean to his brother. It was so constant and bad that I had to send him to his room unitl dinner (15min) He wouldn't stop no matter what and the 2 yr old was hysterical. My days are filled with him screaming and me coming in to find "bubba boo boo" is all my 2 yr old will say!

My 4 yr old is a very difficult child as it is and I am truly at a lose much of the time cause he is defiant with me and I can only "make" him do so much and then I retreat due to my own anger of the situation. I have spoken with him about how it is important to be gentle with our hands, we have practiced endlessly and he always runs up and kisses the screaming toddler when I come to correct him but he be right back at it in 2 minutes.

Does anyone have any advice to help him get that he can't bully/aggrivate his younger brother! What things can I do to get him to stop or help him learn a better way? TIA!


08-28-2007, 07:20 PM
Have you read Playful Parenting? If not, I highly recommend it. My minds warped right now from my own child so that is the only worthwhile thing I can contribute at the moment, LOL. :hugheart

Lady TS
08-28-2007, 07:23 PM

I posted something like this a few days ago...looking forward to seeing your replies!


08-29-2007, 07:24 AM
I have one of those sibbling issues too.....My guy is 5. I hope we can both get some good advice really SOON!! :hugheart

08-29-2007, 09:15 AM
have you heard of someone being internally disorganized? It can make them moody and accident prone and if he's difficult all around and running into his brother, I'm not saying he isn't jealous or whatever, but people who feel bad act bad and what you're describing is more than typical jealousy :shrug