View Full Version : 2 year old throwing things

Lantern Light Mama
08-27-2007, 03:03 PM
Mason just wont stop throwing things. It drives me kinda crazy. :blush He can clean off my table in one swoop, knock all the books off the shelves faster than grease lightning, and pour out all the toys and climb into the box in the blink of an eye.

I try not to get frustrated or mad but I do. :( After picking up things all day long that arent even toys I feel like I am at the end of my rope. At his age a comfort corner doesn't seem to work for us. He has a little bench to sit on and toys to play with. Also the bear hug only distracts him from throwing for a second.

He looks at me usually right before he chunks something and faster than I can get the words Don't from my mouth his has launched a toy into midair. I try to redirect him and usually it isn't successful.
He also pinches a lot. Especially when big brother doesn't share. We are working on that too.

I know GBD doesn't produce immediate results but what am I going to do on days when im at my wits end?

He also has a lower sensitivety to pain as discovered my numerous jumps from furniture and attempting to fly from playground equipment. It is 95 degrees here and the sun is hot enough to fry and egg so trips to the park are currently out of the question.

We tried an indoor slide for redirection and it only redirected him to jumping off the slide and getting hurt. Or finding numerous creative ways to use the slide in an improper way or dangerously.

So if you all have any ideas that might help me not to pull out my hair id love to hear them.

08-27-2007, 03:50 PM
We're in the same boat. It's Samantha's response to stress, and it drives me batty. She has to pick up everything she throws, and it has helped. Somewhat.

Lantern Light Mama
08-28-2007, 06:59 AM
Bump, I really need some help.

joyful mama
08-28-2007, 07:04 AM
Therese is about the same age. I say, "we do not throw ____. Pick that up for mommy." Usually she picks it right up. If not, I gently help her. If she tantrums after that I can tell its something else thats bothering her, like she's tired, hungry, etc. She likes throwing things, making noise, etc. And yes, it is very annoying. especially when its a sippy full of milk that spills when she throws it :rolleyes

08-29-2007, 12:33 PM

Are you sure you aren't peaking into the windows of my house? :P~

My ds who is 28.5 months does the same thing, every single day!!! lol

Matter of fact, he does it more when he is sleepy than anything.

I do give him alternate choices like for example,

he was throwing blocks everywhere last night


I gave him 2 choices, he could either stack his blocks on the carpet or on the little mattress in his room. He chose the mattress. He could do these things, but now throw them.

When he throws books, I tell him that books are for reading not for throwing and then show him where he can store them on his shelf (I have had to take some books and hide them away because he was about 45)He gets two choices, he can read the book on his Shrek chair or he can read them in my lap. These are just a few examples that seem to work most of the time, though it takes a lot of practice! ;)

It takes quite a bit of redirection and it seems to work most of the time.

I think the excitement of seeing just what gravity can do coupled with low impulse control is what is making our ds have such a great time throwing stuff.

You are not alone, I am here with you 2! :heart