View Full Version : comfort corner questions

08-24-2007, 06:53 AM
I was telling a good friend about comfort corner and she is intrigued. It worked well with my kids, but I never really had any challenges to using it so I really don't know how to answer her questions about a child who would be likely to resist it.

She is worried that her child *won't* agree to going into the cc, but instead will keep getting up and wandering around. I told her that there is no time limit and it's not the point to "force" them to sit there...but she is wondering if it would be okay to sit there with the child for the first few times so they get the idea of a safe, calm place to relax and feel better...

She was thinking, just sit there, take deep breaths together and maybe talk about how the child is feeling in a child led sort of way. How did any of you do cc with a child who was more on the hyper side? ...I'm off to try and find the sticky again. Thanks!

08-24-2007, 08:07 AM
she's thinking of it as a comfortable time out and that's not what it is :) If the child is getting up and calmly wandering around the child doesn't need the comfort of the comfort corner :shrug

08-24-2007, 09:50 AM
Hmmm. I'm not sure that the child was exactly "calmly" wandering around... I did also copy her on the Five Steps - which I am very big on and I think I did use it in conjunction with the cc. :think I'll have to clarify with her on what scenario she has in mind. I'm also reading through the stickies and I think I am finding some answers. I thought, I did read that it was good to sit with them and read, in the cc, etc... I know I did this.