View Full Version : Jinxy things in my kitchen

10-23-2006, 06:33 PM
Poor ol' cantaloupe. I bought it four days ago and dh asked if I would actually slice it up and I swore I would. There it sits, not sliced one bit. I LOVE cantaloupe. I OFTEN buy it. I NEVER cut it. I end up throwing away a once good, delicious melon after it rots.

Same problem with thawing meat. Never do it. I am a planner. I make meal plans weekly and corresponding grocery lists. Everything gets put away. Meat stays in the freezer. Forget to thaw the roast or whatever other piece of meat so we end up having scrambled eggs for dinner. At least once a week. I even have an older thread about this.

I was thinking about the cantaloupe tonight and realized I just have some "problem areas" in my kitchen/food prep life. Another one is that since my wedding day 8+ years ago, I have been through about five sets of measuring cups. Those aren't supposed to be that temporary! I buy different kinds each time and freakish things happen to ruin them.

Does anyone else have any annoying kitchen jinxy thing you seem to always be plagued by?

Mother of Sons
10-23-2006, 06:35 PM
I'm the same way. Canteloupe never gets cut unless my husband does it and I have had way more than 5 sets of measuring cups/spoons!

Um... also silverware :blush

10-23-2006, 09:24 PM
I am like that with pineapple.
It never seems ripe enough when I buy it. Then it just sits and by the time I cut it, it has lots of icky spots.

Deli meat- I buy it because DH always complains on the weekend that there is nothing for lunch, so I go to the store Friday and buy it, and then we wind up being gone for lunch all weekend and so I have to throw it out (I get the kind with no preservatives)

I had one in my head when I was reading your post, but now that I have written about the other two things, I have forgotton what it was.....I will probably remember while I am lying in bed tonight.

10-23-2006, 09:38 PM
II had one in my head when I was reading your post, but now that I have written about the other two things, I have forgotton what it was.....I will probably remember while I am lying in bed tonight.

Perfect! You'll remember your kitchen jinx and I'll compose a poem for Kleenex for your other thread! All after bedtime and computer off. :doh

10-24-2006, 11:28 AM

OK, I did think of it...it is my main Kitchen Jinxy thing....

I do try to plan ahead, but it seems that I am making something special that I have planned for, alway short one ingrediant when I am making stuff. Not a main ingredient, but a staple that one would not think to put on a list, like vanilla extract, or a certain spice or I am just short like one egg for baking or something.
Like Sunday, I was planning for a whole week to make Moussaka, and was out of onions, when I always keep onions on hand.
A few days ago, the kids and I were all set to make pumpkin bread, and I was short cinnamon.
That sort of thing.