View Full Version : One of those things you find searching the cupboards...

09-13-2006, 06:13 PM
I made steak a new way tonight and it was NASTY! I couldn't stand eating it. we only have one other *meal* set, and that needs to be for tomorrow so i didn't wanna use that so i dug in the cupboards
so i searched to figure something up...
I used spaghetti noodles (I had no suace, i'd only bough 1 can of sauce but the noodles were b1g1 free), i had a can of tuna (what kenz was gonna have tonight anyways, since she doesn't like steak) and frozen peas
so, i cook those up and mix them together...decide for more flavor (and texture) to add some italan seasoned bread crumbs. I added a bit of salt and some pepper and some garlic powder and viola! dinner! kenzie likes it (of course! it's got tuna!) abbey likes it, and nik atleast likes the peas :giggle and of course it took only about 15min to prepare! which is definately a bonus!

09-13-2006, 06:15 PM
YEp done that meal many times (its cheap) DD will eat the noodles and I tell my self its gone tuna juice so shes getting protein. :lol
