View Full Version : How do you turn a pair of jeans into a skirt?

03-30-2006, 06:00 AM
OK, I've seen some of you mommas mention doing this in other threads, but how do you actually do it?

03-30-2006, 06:42 AM
There are a couple of ways to do this. My personal favorite is to take a pair of jeans that fit at the waist and hips but may be too short or whatever and to cut them off just above the crotch (Making sure you don't cut the bottoms out of the front pockets. Then you take a couple of yards (for an adult, less for a child) of fabric, sew the ends together making a tube the width of the fabric and gather it onto the denim yoke you've just created out of the jeans. I had a couple of those skirts in high school and I noticed recently the style is coming back now so I'll probably be making DD some this summer out of her outgrown (height wise) jeans.

03-30-2006, 07:23 AM
Well, duh! That makes sense!!

I was thinking you'd have to save the legs, just split the inseam and then do something. Never occurred to me to just cut the legs off.

My greatest talent is taking something simple and making it impossible! :rolleyes

Lantern Light Mama
04-02-2006, 09:37 PM
Ok heres an idea, but im not sure how feasable it is. After you cut off the legs peice the material together again to make snough fabric to finish your skirt!

04-02-2006, 10:06 PM
here's a link that Kelli posted on another thread. :tu