View Full Version : my dh was happy today...

03-28-2006, 03:01 PM
We have huge branches from getting 2 of our trees "trimmed" last Fall. We couldn't afford to have them take it all away since that costs maybe $200 extra? So I'm outside, this very warm day, almost hit 60 (or maybe it did) and cutting, pruning the branches to make them smaller. Hopefully that area they are in, once removed, will be our garden area this year. We have to take them somewhere ourselves. My dh doesn't know where but I'm sure there's some yard or something we can take all that to ourselves. We're gonna take out one of the back seats in the minivan and load as much as we can in there.

I also cut up some smaller branches, more like twigs, so the birds can take them and make nests. I've been seeing a lot of female cardinals around and a few males. This is gonna be a fun season, unless we move of course.

Anyway, the cutting I did took 2 hours. I was able to get my "bee fearing" daughter out there and they were doing a lot of climbing around all those branches while I worked. Believe it or not, I'm not done yet but my dh was very impressed when he pulled up today!

03-29-2006, 04:16 PM

04-08-2006, 05:32 AM
Sounds like a fun and productive day! :mrgreen