View Full Version : I have no idea what I am doing!

03-21-2006, 12:46 PM
Some days i have no idea what I am doing. DS is 2 1/2. He's a great kid, ALL boy, and has overcome a lot of developmental delays. I thought we were through all the terrible 2 junk until this week. He has started hitting me again (he did this when he was 1 1/2). I tell him no hit and set him down. Sometimes I think he just needs to throw a fit to get that energy out.

Maybe I say 'yes' to him too often. I mean, if there isn't a reason to say no to a request, I usually don't. Of course I explain to him that we have to do this or that and make it fund.

The hitting thing is, I'm sure, him letting me know how frustrated he is. Any other suggestions.

The other thing, that I have no clue how to get a handle on is this...
When I have to be stern with him (throwing things that he shouldn't, touching things he shouldn't or hitting) he laughs at me! ACK! Drives me nuts. I say "No throw. Toys are for playing." He laughs. I try to make him follow through with whatever I need him to do. Pick up toys, etc. Does he just not take me seriously?

Also, I've started placing him in this chair when things are out of control. I tell him he needs a break (and so does Mommy). I walk away. He either sits there for awhile and then gets up, or throws himself on the ground.

Hmm, do I have a spoiled child?

03-21-2006, 03:26 PM
Sounds like a 2.5 yo to me. :)

Lots of physical play and emotional reconnect time help. Make sure you're giving him words so he can tell you how frustrated he is instead of hitting. Ignore the laughing - stay serious even if he's not. He'll get the message. :)

You might want to read (or reread) the CC sticky.

03-21-2006, 07:39 PM
What is the CC sticky?

03-21-2006, 08:04 PM
the sticky about the Comfort Corner :)

He's being exactly the way I'd expect him to at 2.5 and that is the age where I focus mostly on teaching and guiding and setting up for success so that good habits are formed :tu