View Full Version : Marble Jar?

03-04-2006, 09:56 AM
One of the suggestions that the neuropsychologist gave us when we got Kevin's diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome last week was to consider using a "marble jar" to help him "learn the value of good behavior". You know -- you let him put a marble in the jar when he demonstrates positive behavior and have him take one out when he demonstrates negative behavior. Then maybe once a week or so, he can trade his marbles in for rewards...the more marbles, the better the reward.

Anybody familiar with this? How would this fit in with GBD, or if it can't, is there any other type of visual "help" we can use to encourage better behavior (in Kevin's case, it would mostly involve better self-control)?

03-04-2006, 05:24 PM
I notice our school uses this in each classroom (it is a christian school) but they use it more to promote "teamwork" within the classroom. They have marks on the glass jar and each one represents something they can all do together when they reach the "target". The do NOT lose marbles.

The only thing that concerns me is that you would TAKE away a marble.......that is the bit that I don't particaularly like JMHO

03-04-2006, 07:57 PM
I notice our school uses this in each classroom (it is a christian school) but they use it more to promote "teamwork" within the classroom. They have marks on the glass jar and each one represents something they can all do together when they reach the "target". The do NOT lose marbles.

This is a great idea! I love the idea of having marks on the jar. So maybe each week the jar is emptied and it starts over. Labeling each mark with a number so the rewards can change easily as well. I read a similar idea where quarters were used when siblings were kind to each other, etc. When the jar was full, the siblings decided on how the money was to be spent, such as ice cream, a movie, or a toy they would share.

Not losing the marbles may be where I am failing in my discipline strategies. I just need to try this and keep up the positive aspect.