View Full Version : another question--drinks

02-25-2006, 08:40 AM
Ds1 was shaking his sippy cup of juice all over the place. I told him not to do that because I don't want juice all over the place. He continued doing it. I thought, maybe if I put it in a bottle instead it will be better. Nope, he was kind of squirting it onto his brother's head. I took the bottle away and put it in the refrigerator. He cried and kept crying. I hugged him and explained to him that I don't want him to shake the juice all over the place. I told him that if he is thirst, I will get him something to drink, but he is to drink it, not shake it all over the place. He is still crying. What do I do??? Okay, maybe the first thing would be to get off the computer...

02-25-2006, 08:47 AM
When DD went through this phase we made a all drinks at the table rule and I swiched to an open cup. Once shestopped I allowed water staw cups to be carried again.


02-25-2006, 09:41 AM
:yes What Deanna said. Although, since you have another one coming up, I might stick to sippy cups. When Doug and Ana were both little, I made sure everything was in a sippy cup. ;)

02-25-2006, 09:46 AM
Yes I should hav mentioned we were weining her off the sippy cups because it was negivitly affecting her speech, plus she seemed to cautiously be more aware of her actions with it was an open cup.. I'm all for leak proof though :giggle


02-25-2006, 10:56 AM
We do drinks at the table, either the big table where we eat, or the little table we use in the kitchen for art and snacks. Period. If they shake it around, I take it away and tell them that they are showing me they don't want to drink. I will give it back, but I reinforce that juice is for drinking, not playing.

02-25-2006, 11:33 AM
Okay, that sounds reasonable. I am making up a list of house rules for myself and dh to follow, so I will add that.

Drinks will be taken at the table.

You shake it, and it goes to the refrigerator.


02-25-2006, 12:06 PM
We do drinks in an open cup in the kitchen only (w/ the exception that Karah can take a sippy cup to bed w/ her if she wants).

I like the idea that if you shake it it goes in the fridge. :tu

Radosny Matka
02-25-2006, 12:15 PM
Yah, BTDT. We made "new rule" that the sippy cup had to either stay on the kitchen counter or on his bookshelf If I found it any place. He caught on fast.

02-25-2006, 12:18 PM
:rolleyes That's been a problem for me too. I would find bottles or sippy cups hidden all over the house and sometimes it would be a few days later, so there would be a bad smell or stuff growing inside. Great ideas!

02-28-2006, 06:00 AM
What caught my ear/eye in this post was that you seemed a bit uncomfortable with the continued crying. GBD isn't about avoiding reaction in our children. It's partly about knowing that we don't need to *create* one (ie: crying) in order for them to learn.

But that does not mean we need to avoid a "cry", either. My kids are allowed to cry over a rule I set. They can have any feeling they want, but they can't hold the family hostage with the expression of that feeling. I also don't try to "explain" them out of it after I've offered my initial reason for the rule.

So, the sippy cup/mess situation would go like this: Stop, do not make a mess with that. If the child continues, the drink goes away. If crying ensues, fine.

02-28-2006, 06:00 AM
What caught my ear/eye in this post was that you seemed a bit uncomfortable with the continued crying. GBD isn't about avoiding reaction in our children. It's partly about knowing that we don't need to *create* one (ie: crying) in order for them to learn.

But that does not mean we need to avoid a "cry", either. My kids are allowed to cry over a rule I set. They can have any feeling they want, but they can't hold the family hostage with the expression of that feeling. I also don't try to "explain" them out of it after I've offered my initial reason for the rule.

So, the sippy cup/mess situation would go like this: Stop, do not make a mess with that. If the child continues, the drink goes away. If crying ensues, fine.

02-28-2006, 06:22 AM
Okay, so it is fine for them to cry if they aren't happy with a rule that I made. (Repeating this in my head and out loud several times so it will stick in) I guess since I learned growing up that you aren't supposed to cry if you weren't happy about a rule (at least not in front of dad), I need to rethink some things. But it's not okay for me to "make them" cry by heaping an extra punishment to make them feel bad so that they will learn to behave. Must write this down somewhere.

02-28-2006, 06:22 AM
Okay, so it is fine for them to cry if they aren't happy with a rule that I made. (Repeating this in my head and out loud several times so it will stick in) I guess since I learned growing up that you aren't supposed to cry if you weren't happy about a rule (at least not in front of dad), I need to rethink some things. But it's not okay for me to "make them" cry by heaping an extra punishment to make them feel bad so that they will learn to behave. Must write this down somewhere.

02-28-2006, 06:28 AM
Okay, so it is fine for them to cry if they aren't happy with a rule that I made. (Repeating this in my head and out loud several times so it will stick in) I guess since I learned growing up that you aren't supposed to cry if you weren't happy about a rule (at least not in front of dad), I need to rethink some things. But it's not okay for me to "make them" cry by heaping an extra punishment to make them feel bad so that they will learn to behave. Must write this down somewhere.

{{{hugs}}} and :yes :D You've got it perfectly right. :)

02-28-2006, 06:28 AM
Okay, so it is fine for them to cry if they aren't happy with a rule that I made. (Repeating this in my head and out loud several times so it will stick in) I guess since I learned growing up that you aren't supposed to cry if you weren't happy about a rule (at least not in front of dad), I need to rethink some things. But it's not okay for me to "make them" cry by heaping an extra punishment to make them feel bad so that they will learn to behave. Must write this down somewhere.

{{{hugs}}} and :yes :D You've got it perfectly right. :)

02-28-2006, 08:04 AM
Yea!!! I'm learning!!! I'm getting somewhere with this GBD stuff!!! doing a happy dance :P~

02-28-2006, 08:04 AM
Yea!!! I'm learning!!! I'm getting somewhere with this GBD stuff!!! doing a happy dance :P~

02-28-2006, 01:10 PM
We don't let David wander aimlessly with any beverages... but we have 3 meals and 2-3 snack times where we sit down and have a munch munch and something to drink. That alleviates him having extra time to think beverages are a toy ;)

02-28-2006, 01:10 PM
We don't let David wander aimlessly with any beverages... but we have 3 meals and 2-3 snack times where we sit down and have a munch munch and something to drink. That alleviates him having extra time to think beverages are a toy ;)

02-28-2006, 03:53 PM
We don't do the wandering eaither (except on occasion water) she gets overly excited and in her jumping and dancing can "spill or shake out drinks" its not thats shes dellibertly doing it but neverless its makes unnecessary work for others, so we enforce the table boundry.


02-28-2006, 03:53 PM
We don't do the wandering eaither (except on occasion water) she gets overly excited and in her jumping and dancing can "spill or shake out drinks" its not thats shes dellibertly doing it but neverless its makes unnecessary work for others, so we enforce the table boundry.
