View Full Version : Sudden insomnia?

Mothering by Heart
01-13-2006, 01:11 PM
For the past week, I have been lying in bed unable to sleep for at leat 1 hour, sometimes 3 :sad2 It came on all of a sudden. I haven't been able to get up and do my walking in the am because I am not falling asleep until 2 sometimes.

I have not done anything different. I even drink chamomile tea every night an hour or so before bed.

I know "they" say if you can't sleep, to get up and read for a while or do something else. But I just end up getting engrossed in the book and can't put it down :shifty

Any ideas?

01-13-2006, 08:10 PM
Hm...I know a girl who "used" her insomnia as prayer time. Actually, the Lord used it! Maybe He's trying to impress something on you...?

No dietary changes, even more sugar, caffeine, or dairy lately? It can take days for effects to wear off if you're sensitive. :think