View Full Version : what do you love about your kids together?

09-16-2005, 10:26 AM
since ds was born, I have been overwhelmed by how wonderful it is to see dd and ds loving each other. I LOVE to watch her talking to him "hey buddy, hey little man..." and him BEAMING at her.
I can't believe I missed out on the love between siblings for the four years I went between the 2 kids.

what do you love about your children together?
:) :heart

09-16-2005, 10:28 AM
Oh man, that's my absolute favourite thing in the world. I have a 4 yo ds and a 2 yo dd and they are absolutely best friends. I love how every time they are parted for a short time, when they see each other again they run to each other and hug. I love that when they walk together, my ds will gently put his hand on his sister's back to guide her or my dd will take her brother's hand. I love watching them play together and build imaginary castles and houses and ships. :heart

09-16-2005, 10:33 AM
Mine are both small--20 month ds and 7 month dd. Still, they ADORE one another! Ds is so proud to be a big brother. He hugs her and kisses her all the time, and even *gasp* tries to pick her up! Never works. :giggle

My favorite thing they do together is how they take turns screaming (play) at one another. It's SO funny!! Dd will shriek at the top of her lungs, and ds will come running, shrieking his response. It goes back and forth for as long as people will laugh at them. Dd also squeals back to anyone who squeals first. It's really adorable. :heart

09-16-2005, 11:11 AM
Ladies: These are heartmelters, let me tell you.
and I "YES" all the things you said. Here are mine:

:heart Looking in the backseat and seeing them holding hands.
:heart Wrestling, laughing, etc and THEY HAVE FUN!
:heart Sitting side by side watcing a movie and sharing cheerios, etc.
:heart Their "converstations"... lately they''ve been about colors.
DD, pointing to a block: "Buu? (blue)
DS: No, dat's wred.(red)
DD, another block: "Buu?
DS: No, dat's wewwow. (yellow)
DD: wewwow?
DS: Ya, K----, dat's wewwow.
:heart The fact that they get SO excited when the other one wakes up from a nap.
:heart Sharing hugs.
:heart the little games they play in the bath, splashing each other, etc.

I could go on ...

09-16-2005, 11:12 AM
aww! so sweet! :heart

09-16-2005, 01:48 PM
Ahhh, this is a sweet thread. :heart Hmmmm, let's see there are so many things it's hard to pick a favorite. I really enjoy listening to them pretend play. And ds has always been protective of dd and when she gets hurts. He asks her if she is ok and he always hugs her with what I call the "manly man" hug. It's kinda a gently but strong hug. :giggle

09-16-2005, 02:44 PM
Well, right now, my 2 are dancing together in my mother's living room. DS is yelling "faster Norah, dance faster!"

- They love to splash in the bath together,and then stop and hug
- Just last night, I found them curled up together in our bed like 2 puppies, her head on his legs, him with his hand on her head. SO CUTE!
- DS will run past DD during the day, then turn around and stop to kiss her on the head (while she breaks out her biggest smile)
- The way they make each other laugh in the car
- When they hold hands in the double stroller
- "mommy, get Norah!" is what DS yells when DD is upset.

I :heart my kids. They are just so cute!

09-16-2005, 05:23 PM
I love watching Ana and Colin when we pick up Doug from school!

"Doug Doug! Yay!"

"Doug! I missed you!" hugs and kisses all round...:heart