View Full Version : pet hair on towels and no dryer

09-03-2005, 09:12 PM
Okay, I do not know how to get the cat hair off of the towels I use for the cats to sleep on my good chairs (sorry - it's late and this is a major run-on sentence). I don't have a dryer so when I hang them out they stay hairy. Any suggestions??

09-03-2005, 09:45 PM
My only thoughts would be to try washing them twice. Or better yet, you can use one of those sticky pethair remover rollers, or even just duct tape to remove most of the hair before washing. :shrug HTH!

09-04-2005, 10:51 AM
Oh, that's a thought...remove some of the hair before washing makes sense. (duh) Maybe I could even vacuum them a bit first...?

Maybe I should wash them more often and not let them get so darn hairy to begin with. :rolleyes