View Full Version : children sharing rooms with a baby

Gentle Journey
08-18-2005, 10:43 AM
We co-sleep for the first 2 months or so then they sleep in their own crib. I'm trying to figure out how to arrange the children. My DD will be 4 1/2, DS will be 2 and there's the baby. Both the older 2 sleep through the night and go to bed at the same time. But DD wakes 45 minutes before DS. Also we have a lengthy bedtime ritual where we talk about our day, what's bothering her, prayers and a story. DS is rocked and prayed with, placed in his crib and DH stays with him until he's asleep. His ritual is very quite. I was thinking of putting the baby with DD, baby and DS definatly wouldn't work. She usually sleeps through DS when he cries, but I'm thinking a baby in her room would wake her. I'm ok with the baby in our room, but I'm afraid whe it came time to switch her, it would be hard for her.

08-19-2005, 11:36 AM
What about putting DD and DS in the same room. Maybe you could change their bedtime routines a little starting them out together then finishing them separately.

If they can't share a room your best bet might be to keep the baby in your room. I don't think you would have too much trouble moving the baby out of your room at a later time. Especially if there is an option of sharing a room with a sibling.