View Full Version : Jeep Cherokee Double stroller????

08-08-2005, 05:35 AM
Does anyone have this? What are your opinions on this, if you have this?? :D

08-10-2005, 05:06 PM
Yes! I have this. I bought it with the birth of my second and my opinion on it seems to vary from minute to minute... My toddler was two and a half when we started using it - and she was about 30 lbs at the time... I found it very hard to manuver with them both in it - and I'm no slouch when it comes to upper body strength! I guess, I'd say It does not exactly corner well. It is very L-O-N-G - but then, most doubles are. It has decent storage space on the bottom, but that's if you can stand towing around more weight! My other peeve about it is the umbrellas. Even when you have them fully extended, they do not cover the child. They are too narrow and really give very little sun coverage. I also find it very hard to adjust the straps on the seat. ....other than that... :lol

What's good about it? Well, the seats are very comfortable and well padded. They also velcro out - so you can wash them. The tray on the back seat is movable - very handy. The tray on the front seat is removable - I really liked that! It also has these velcro-closing saddlebag things on each side, which at first I wasn't really that moved by - but I use them ALL THE TIME now! Only the back seat can be put in a laying position - but I figure that's normal for doubles and it goes up and down easily with no trouble. It's easy to collapse and folds down to a decent size - trunkable anyway... It's also decent looking and seems to be pretty good quality.

Honestly, if I would have looked around more, I would have found one that I liked better. But I was in a sweat to get one, it was on sale, and I didn't feel like shopping around. It's definately a good quality, decently priced stroller, but it's just the little annoyances that you find out when you use something for awhile, kwim? I think I paid about $119.00 for mine (new). Hope this helped!

08-13-2005, 03:07 PM
nods. Ours was given to us as a gift. My dh loves it cuz of the shocks but I found it a bit unweildy. I agree with everything the other poster said.

I like our single jeep stroller better cuz of the cup holders and place for my keys so i ended up mostly using the single with a boogieboard for my older dd to stand up and ride on while i push the single.

we do use the double tho, i just make dh push it. lOL