View Full Version : A Travel Coffee Mug that WON'T Spill -- For REAL???

06-15-2005, 05:48 AM
Does it exist? One that WILL NOT spill? :cup Besides that one, of course.

Because my poor DH gets frustrated every morning. Every morning he says it won't spill and every morning it does. Every single one. And in desperation he bellowed in the car, "THAT's what I want for Father's Day! A coffee mug that won't spill!!!"

We've looked at Target and Wal-mart, and none of them are truly no-spill. Well, truly no-spill *and* masculine looking. Where else could I look? Any clues?



06-15-2005, 09:48 AM
DH and I both have one of these (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00004S1CT/qid=1118854012/sr=1-5/ref=sr_1_5/002-4070328-2325626?v=glance&s=kitchen). If you lay them on their side they may drip a little, but they don't leak at all.

Nissan is a good brand, I think - they also have this (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00004WHWV/qid=1118853878/sr=8-3/ref=pd_csp_3/002-4070328-2325626?v=glance&s=kitchen&n=507846)