View Full Version : Multiplication finally clicked!

Mother of Sons
05-16-2005, 07:07 AM
really wanted to learn to multiply but he just couldn't figure out what exactly he was supposed to do. I tried using legos to show him. I tried writing it out on paper. We tried all kinds of things and he just wasn't getting it. So, I bought a bunch of plastic bowls and pulled out some same size legos and I told him that the first number is the number of bowls you have and the second number is the number of legos in each bowl. Then you add up the total and you have the answer. He figured out on his own that you could use either number for the bowls. I think he did maybe 4 or 5 problems with the bowls and then he started doing it in his head. That was on Tuesday. By Thursday (on his own) he was doing higher number multiplication in his head. So anyhoo, I thought I'd share that.

05-16-2005, 07:09 AM
Gotta love it when things click!!!!!!!!!! :clap

05-16-2005, 09:45 AM
MOS, That's wonderful. I love that feeling when something clicks. It makes me feel successful! :mrgreen (After all, some days, it's all about me, yk? ;))

05-16-2005, 12:53 PM