View Full Version : Help me with SO MUCH crying!

04-16-2005, 08:24 AM
Ok, every day (!) my almost 4yo dd is crying for no reason. Right now, for example, we were getting dressed and she starts to get that look and ends up crying by the time she's dressed. She was fine before. I don't know what's going on, but it's like in certain situations she gets upset for no reason that I can see (and she'll never say why either). I'm not sure how to explain it really well, but it's like she gets nervous at certain points and if things don't go exactly "right" she melts down. It just seems to be in these weird situations though. And now she's eating breakfast and totally fine. I don't know what to think, and I'll admit that crying (for no reason I can figure out) is one of my hot buttons. I can't stand it. :blush So I know I'm part of the problem with how I react, but that's why I'm here to learn. :)

04-16-2005, 09:25 AM
IME, when little girls turn 4, they get *very* emotional! Our DD turned 4 in Dec. and she's crying over everything. Unlike your daughter, though, she's verbal about what's wrong.

Hopefully, just knowing this is probably normal, may help you chill out in your response to her. Could you set up a cuddle corner where she could go when she feels upset? Ask her (when she's not upset) what she'd like in it, and get it all set up. Then, she can go there, and you can take a couple of minutes in your own cuddle corner somewhere! ;) After a recharge, maybe you'll be more open to hearing and she'll be more open to talking about what's going on.

04-16-2005, 10:29 AM
nak ime 3.5 to 4.5 is an emotional time. my oldest went thru this and now my middle girl is beginning. they grow out of it. the biggest thing we learned is not to minimize her feelings. i'm sure we will do better with number 2,lots of support and reflecting feelings. :hug

04-16-2005, 08:57 PM
it's like she gets nervous at certain points and if things don't go exactly "right" she melts down. That *is* a real reason though :) I've really been working on reflecting feelings with my 5yo dd and it's making a huge difference. If I just step back, breath, think about the situation and why I might be crying under the circumstances, I can usually figure out what is going on--and it's usually about her feelings :)

04-17-2005, 05:33 PM
stop whatever you are doing and offer to pray with her? Sometimes when they are able to tell "God" what the trouble is you overhear what the real issue is and are able to address it, and also you are able to send up a call to heaven for help in dealing with the situation :heart

Radosny Matka
04-17-2005, 07:48 PM
Sounds like she gets overwhelmed. You have gotten some great advice.