View Full Version : HN toddler tantrums

04-08-2005, 03:27 PM

hope this is the right place for this, since don't have the HN/spirited board anymore. i could use some ideas re: tantrums in the HN toddler (2yo). she is adjusting well to the new baby, but she is still a hn toddler with the exceptionally big feelings that go along with that. Have tried talking, distracting, "bear hug" per Gentle Discipline, all of which just make her angrier. what has helped in the past is just giving her time and space on her own to calm down on her own before talking with her. that was fine, but now that i've got DD#2 (3 weeks) i'm worried about being right there with her while she screams and hollers, as it upsets DD#2 and is actually loud enough to hurt ears--hurts mine, so i'm sure hurts baby's too. so when the screaming starts, i've been picking up DD#2 and going into another room until she stops screaming. this does "work" to stop the tantrum, but i'm wondering if it's sending a wrong message. (like "baby and I will go off without you because we don't accept you" or something like that.) :banghead anyone got any ideas? thanks in advance, friends.

04-08-2005, 05:35 PM
maybe assure her that you're there for her and she can come to you when she's ready, but that it hurts your ears and so you're going to have to wait in the other room. ? I'm afraid that's probably not very helpful. :hugs to you! Yelling and such cause my little guy to cry. :( little babies can be so preciously sensitive to those things. :hug

I wanted to let you know that we still have a high need forum. You'll be able to apply for it when you hit 25 posts. :tu

04-09-2005, 11:16 AM
Oh, good! Thanks for the info--I didn't realize there was still a HN forum; I liked that forum back on the old board--it helped me a lot just to talk with other moms of HNers! :tu